Texas Bluebonnet Explosion
What an amazing Spring it has been for bluebonnets in Texas! The terrible drought last year made it very difficult to find fields full of the Texas State flower. I'm happy to report however that the heavy rains this year have changed all of that. 
Bluebonnets have a small window of around 3 weeks where they flower. I made it a priority this year to get out a couple of times in order to capture the bumper crop of flowers.
The Full gallery can be seen here: http://www.langfordphotography.com/For-Sale/Texas-Hill-Country/22119308_JvPxK7
My first outing was a weekend trip to Fredericksburg in central TX. This town is famous for it's Bed and Breakfasts and it's small town appeal. It also is located in the Hill Country, a hot spot for wildflowers. The first day there we spent scouting out locations for the next morning's sunrise:

The cemetary in town had a beautiful display of flowers.

A nice scene on the side of the road outside of Fredericksburg
We scouted out a great location that I ended up returning to the next morning. As I left town at 5 am the fog was so thick that I could barely see the road. As I approached my location in lifted just enough.

Prairie Mountain School

Pastel Colors
The next morning I visited the Willow City Loop, a very popular location for viewing bluebonnets. Early in the morning it is almost always empty of people.

My last couple of outings were to the little town of Ennis just about an hour to the south of where I live. I decided to head out a couple of times before work to catch the sunrise. I'm glad I did as the area had more bluebonnets than I have ever seen before.

Thanks for looking! :clap

Bluebonnets have a small window of around 3 weeks where they flower. I made it a priority this year to get out a couple of times in order to capture the bumper crop of flowers.
The Full gallery can be seen here: http://www.langfordphotography.com/For-Sale/Texas-Hill-Country/22119308_JvPxK7
My first outing was a weekend trip to Fredericksburg in central TX. This town is famous for it's Bed and Breakfasts and it's small town appeal. It also is located in the Hill Country, a hot spot for wildflowers. The first day there we spent scouting out locations for the next morning's sunrise:

The cemetary in town had a beautiful display of flowers.

A nice scene on the side of the road outside of Fredericksburg
We scouted out a great location that I ended up returning to the next morning. As I left town at 5 am the fog was so thick that I could barely see the road. As I approached my location in lifted just enough.

Prairie Mountain School

Pastel Colors
The next morning I visited the Willow City Loop, a very popular location for viewing bluebonnets. Early in the morning it is almost always empty of people.

My last couple of outings were to the little town of Ennis just about an hour to the south of where I live. I decided to head out a couple of times before work to catch the sunrise. I'm glad I did as the area had more bluebonnets than I have ever seen before.

Thanks for looking! :clap
Images in the Backcountry
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It's a great place to visit in the Spring before it gets hot! Thanks for the comments!
Langford Photography
Thanks! Those are my favorite as well.
Langford Photography
We made our wildflower adventure in a 'loop' around Burnet to Marble Falls to Johnson City to Stonewall to Fredericksburg & back. It was awesome. We had intended to head north from Fredericksburg to Llano and swing through the Willow City Loop, but we wimped out & just ran out of steam. My husband and daughter said they had seen enough flowers for one day.
As good as our wildflower day was, we never found a field like that shown in your last two shots. I would have loved to have seen that one in person.
Thanks for sharing.
James, these are wonderful. I'd heard Ennis was great this year and you've shown it off well. I love your shot of Prairie Mountain school--I shot there last week too but I was there in late morning and the light was of course too harsh. Didn't make Willow City this year but I heard it was excellent. I've always thought it crowded but you said it wasn't bad in the morning so I'll try it. May be too late next week for the bluebonnets but it's still a lovely drive. Love this series!
Lauren Blackwell
Howdy Lauren,
Yeah, you are probably going to be a bit late for the bluebonnets as you said. I took the shots from that area almost a month ago. That was my first time to Prarie Mountain School. I will definitely be going back. Willow City is insane during the day but almost completely dead in the very early morning for sunrise. You just have to be careful about where you park, and don't trespass on anyone's property. They will run you out quickly and there were actually sheriffs sweeping through there to ticket folks when I was headed out.
Langford Photography
Those second two shots our near Ennis. Google Mach Road and Sugar Ridge Road. Both are very small (only 1 mile long) and have amazing fields. I'm afraid it may be a bit too late to visit them this year, as I suspect they are somewhat grown over by now.
I heard that Marble Falls was really nice this year. The Willow City Loop really wasn't all that great compared to past years, so you didn't miss much. Most of the large fields in that area were up near Llano.
Langford Photography
Langford Photography
Thanks Aaron! Great feedback. I need to get a couple of these printed up. Just too busy with my real job.
Langford Photography
Thanks! Texas can surprise you! I've been here 14 years and this is the first year I've really gone out to seriously shoot the bluebonnets. I'm definitely going to do it again next year.
Langford Photography
Langford Photography