Offering Limited Image Sizes

Say I want to offer X size of image on a CD. Whats a good way to shrink my image to 8x10 so a client cannot blow the image up to 11x17, and if they did it wouldn't look the best.
First, 8x10 won't enlarge to 11x17. They have different aspect ratios.
That aside, there isn't much you can do. If you offer an 8x10 with high enough resolution for a decent print (presumably 300 ppi), that can be enlarged to, say, 12x15 and still be printed with good quality.
Upsizing photos sounds important for a photographer to know how to do for really large prints beyond the capabilities of our cameras and scary because our small low-res images for printing 4x6s or less could easily be stolen to make 8x10 prints or larger sizes... the ones we'd like to be selling.
So, what's the story with Photoshop upsizing and genuine fractals? If I give a client an image meant for printing a 4x6 image at 200 resolution... did I just screw myself from someone who knows how to upsize from ever buying a 5x7, 8x10, 11x17, 16x24 or higher? How much larger can upsizing or genuine fractals take a photograph? One size difference? Two? Three? Four? Ten?
More to the point, for an image meant to print well for a 4x6, what resolution should it be at to look like crap for a 5x7, if possible? or at what resolution to look like crap for an 8x10? assuming both examples weren't manipulated by upsizing.
For the OP, what resolution will produce a decent 8x10 but look like crap for an 11x17 size if not upsized with photoshop or genuine fractals?