Beautiful garden

Here is fresh new photo that shows, how Month May looks like.
The best photos I get, when I am going downsters (beside old houses, like a thief), where I find hidden beauty.
Photo, May 1st, 2012
p.s. This is not blurry photo, but here is mixture of the Sun and some kind of "fog".
The best photos I get, when I am going downsters (beside old houses, like a thief), where I find hidden beauty.
Photo, May 1st, 2012
p.s. This is not blurry photo, but here is mixture of the Sun and some kind of "fog".
Link to my Smugmug site
Sorry, but there is nothing wrong. This Photo was made in the morning, when there were Sun and some kind of fog in the air. Some other photos are in Austrian Forum, where are compliments from three persons, they wrote their comments right away.
As I see your landscapes photos, it is clear that we have totally different taste about beautiful nature. Believe me, I know very well, what is beautiful (nature and the people).
Hi kdog,
Thank you for kind compliment about photo.
It is very strange that the kindest people come just from California, where I should live (long time ago).
With kind regards,
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
OK then. It just looks like JPEG compression to me.
I'm having the same problem. It's completely pixalated. Not sure why I'm seeing it that way, but looks like it's pretty much wiped out on my monitor. Something to do with the way it was uploaded I assume.
Link to my Smugmug site
I think that I have still good eyes to see something good looking (nature, animals, ect).
I wrote there in my profile that my photos are done with Mobile Phone Digital Camera. Until now I have posted photos from Samsung (dead in September 2011); from Sony Ericsson, where photos look so fresh, but they don't have size, I would like to have. Third is again Samsung (main street), but I am not very happy with that Camera.
They in Mobile's shops told me that Samsung is the best for photos, but the very good Samsung with Digital Camera costs 300 Euros. What then, if the mobile falls in the water? It happens the same as with 100 Euros: both are dead.
Remember: it is only my Hobby! I have started with my Face Photo Research: if doctors don't see, Photo Camera sees all.
Kind regards to CA,
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
I see you are still using a camera phone, I followed one of your threads several months ago, and it was suggested my many that you upgrade to a point and shoot if not a dslr.
It seems that you have taken the advice of the guy at the guy at the mobile phone store, but not the advice offered on this board. The result is comments of poor image quality, again, no reflection on your eye as a photographer.
You live in a beautiful part of the world that most us never see. I hope you get a better camera so we cal all see it a little clearer.
How come my photos are so bad at once, just like that? Where is the reason, to write as you do?
I wrote that I do photos with Phone Camera and now that is something "new" for you. I have taste for good and beautiful things and only somebody who doesn't like me as a person, can say something like that.
I see in this Forum different photos: some are very good (like from James), some are good and some are worse than my photos in each point.
I am glad that my Moderator gives me compliments. For me Moderator knows more than other members.
Btw: this garden is locked now and nobody can go in. I was lucky, when there was free entrance (somebody forgot to lock the door)