Canon IP 4700 Colour balance.
I'm posting this up in the hope that it may save some other poor sod the drama I went through to get my IP 4700's colour balanced.
It seems to be a known problem with these IP 4700 printers that they throw colour casts, usually a magenta one.
There is a lot on the net about it but i found all the advise to be completely off base for me.
Basicaly what I found says use the Canon IP4700 profiles for the paper you want to use and let the printer driver rather than the application handle the colour management. the last Part i found to be correct but the profiles were way off base.
I did almost 120 test prints trying to get the magenta out of my shots and even full movement of the colour adjustments made little difference in manual mode.
The thing that fixed my problem was setting the profile from the Canon IP4700 profiles to the sRGB IEC as the default and then a small amount of balancing, C 0, M -5 and Y +5 gave me a spot on print every time. I followed all the rest of the suggested colour management settings, just changed the canon profile to the sRGB one and in 3 prints, I was finally there.
( the first one I still had the old colour balance ajustments I had tried)
Best col balance out of any printer, ink or otherwise, I have ever seen.
Now to upset the purists and put all the advise of using Genuine ink and paper into perspective, I use replacement ink in a CIS system with Kodak paper and found that i actually got much truer to life colours out of this than the Canon ink and paper i tried first off.
the canon ink and paper sure gave those nice bright, contrasty flat as a tack tonal range and shadow detail colours ( Which were still a mile out of balance!) but the replacement ink ( with whatever paper) by far gives me the truest colours and the most shadow detail and tonal range. The Replacement ink craps all over the canon for shadow detail IMHO.
So my advice is for anyone who may have this problem with the canon IP 4700 Printer ( or maybe others) and be searching in cyber space as i was only to find the same answer that didn't work repeated, try the sRGB IEC setting, do the manual control and disable the application colour management ( except for PS) and don't be at all concerned about the statements of having to use canon ink and paper to get a good result.
Hope this helps someone.
It seems to be a known problem with these IP 4700 printers that they throw colour casts, usually a magenta one.
There is a lot on the net about it but i found all the advise to be completely off base for me.
Basicaly what I found says use the Canon IP4700 profiles for the paper you want to use and let the printer driver rather than the application handle the colour management. the last Part i found to be correct but the profiles were way off base.
I did almost 120 test prints trying to get the magenta out of my shots and even full movement of the colour adjustments made little difference in manual mode.
The thing that fixed my problem was setting the profile from the Canon IP4700 profiles to the sRGB IEC as the default and then a small amount of balancing, C 0, M -5 and Y +5 gave me a spot on print every time. I followed all the rest of the suggested colour management settings, just changed the canon profile to the sRGB one and in 3 prints, I was finally there.
( the first one I still had the old colour balance ajustments I had tried)
Best col balance out of any printer, ink or otherwise, I have ever seen.
Now to upset the purists and put all the advise of using Genuine ink and paper into perspective, I use replacement ink in a CIS system with Kodak paper and found that i actually got much truer to life colours out of this than the Canon ink and paper i tried first off.
the canon ink and paper sure gave those nice bright, contrasty flat as a tack tonal range and shadow detail colours ( Which were still a mile out of balance!) but the replacement ink ( with whatever paper) by far gives me the truest colours and the most shadow detail and tonal range. The Replacement ink craps all over the canon for shadow detail IMHO.
So my advice is for anyone who may have this problem with the canon IP 4700 Printer ( or maybe others) and be searching in cyber space as i was only to find the same answer that didn't work repeated, try the sRGB IEC setting, do the manual control and disable the application colour management ( except for PS) and don't be at all concerned about the statements of having to use canon ink and paper to get a good result.
Hope this helps someone.
Many thanks