Recs on Vegas day trips

We're going to Vegas soon. Would like to make some "day trips". Suggestions needed on good places to visit & photograph. Thanks!
Location: Huntsville, AL
Location: Huntsville, AL
Hoover Dam!i=97072162&k=N3T6g
Valley of Fire!i=97564071&k=dRtRD
Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
Autocross and Track junkie
Red Rock Canyon is on the west side of Vegas and takes less than 20 minutes from the Strip. Great place to shoot.
<Insert some profound quote here to try and seem like a deep thinker>
Michael Wachel Photography
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
website blog instagram facebook g+
Death Valley was actually one of our original plans while on our trip. Until we found out the day were planning to go that it was over 130 degrees in Death Valley!!
Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
Autocross and Track junkie
The new bridge over the Hoover Dam and the dam itself are worth a trip if you haven't been there before.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at