how to find things in grin??

I am new to the Digital Grin Forum and have been finding some great tips about smugmug. I found a really good tutorial about how to set up pages like "home," "about" and "galleries" but had some computer issues and now I can't find it again. This has happened more than once or sometimes I type in search words and the same threads seems to show up no matter what I type, none of which seems to be related to my search (for example "css tutorial"). I must be missing do you search this site and it's forums? I can I go back to a forum where I have posted a question but no one has responded? Is there a tutorial for this??
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Can you send me a screen shot of that? I just don't see anything that says 'start here' or anything that looks like a sticky.
Thank you!
Try here:
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
This is what I was searching for!!!
(a discussion/instructions for multi homepages)
Also, thank you both for the other links and tips. I'm beginning to see how this works (maybe).
More questions coming soon I'm sure.
Andy, I just reposted a question in the "stretchy" forum as a "reply" to the existing thread. I posted this question before and no one replied...perhaps it's an old thread and I need to start a new thread in the customization forum??
You just need to patient. Someone will be along shortly
--- Denise
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