Palouse Panoramic

this is one of those "roadside snaps" taken a couple of days ago on my trip to the eastern part of the state. i got to looking at it, and the contrast and colors and layers simply SCREAMED panoramic, so here it is... i've cropped this and resized it a bit to make a 20x40 print, and i'm guessing it'd look pretty darned good on canvas!! ;D

~ Rocky
"Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone, and take back something worth remembering..."
Three Dog Night
"Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone, and take back something worth remembering..."
Three Dog Night
Nikon D600, Nikon 85 f/1.8G, Nikon 24-120mm f/4, Nikon 70-300, Nikon SB-700, Canon S95
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thanks, Joel... not sure on what causes it, but i 'm guessing it's a difference in either the crop itself, or in the stage of maturity... the gold swath is riper, more mature wheat and the greens were perhaps planted later, and are not yet ripened...
"Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone, and take back something worth remembering..."
Three Dog Night
Hi Ron
Love the colouring. How did you achieve this. Or shouldn't I ask?
Beautiful. The reason I ask I have some golf courses near me and I am sure this technique of coloring would look good.
well, Bob, if golf courses start planting wheat, they might be able to get something close...
"Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone, and take back something worth remembering..."
Three Dog Night
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
It was the green colouring I was interested in for the golf courses. Not the wheat colour.
Images in the Backcountry
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didn't take anything special... the colors are what it looked like, all i did was increase the contrast and saturation a touch to make it "pop"...
"Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone, and take back something worth remembering..."
Three Dog Night
thanks, Mike!
"Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone, and take back something worth remembering..."
Three Dog Night
thanks, Phil! i saw this and immediately thought "panoramic"... the lines, the bold colors... perfectly suited for a pano, especially on canvas...
"Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone, and take back something worth remembering..."
Three Dog Night