Lucky thing... appears to have a very small brain. Well within Steve McQueens many skills on set or off screen ... Wonder how he is doing on the set he is playing today.
Wise you didn't give it a go yourself
black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
Lucky thing... appears to have a very small brain. Well within Steve McQueens many skills on set or off screen ... Wonder how he is doing on the set he is playing today.
Wise you didn't give it a go yourself
It's funny, Michael, how seeing this scene made me think of the 1958 movie " The Blob ". If you saw the film....perhaps on a late-night'll remember McQueen having to duke it out with a creeping mass of some strange goo. Talking about today, I'll bet old McQueen is getting in some fabulous cycle rides through the clouds.
Take care,buddy,
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Wise you didn't give it a go yourself
It's funny, Michael, how seeing this scene made me think of the 1958 movie " The Blob ". If you saw the film....perhaps on a late-night'll remember McQueen having to duke it out with a creeping mass of some strange goo. Talking about today, I'll bet old McQueen is getting in some fabulous cycle rides through the clouds.
Take care,buddy,