Help with photo assignment #1(2pics)
Are these the kind of shots your after.These dont count though as they were taken earlier this year.Tony aka(Tinbasher) ,Dave and I had just finished shooting some old buildings in the country when Tony asked me to show them were the dive bombing Black Terns were.Off we went and the birds did not disapoint us.
Tony and Dave,A road runs down the middle of this slough and the birds were nesting.No less than 30 birds at a time were swooping down on us.

A shot of dave,this bird came within inches of his head.

It was a fun day,I cant wait till next year when the Terns
Tony and Dave,A road runs down the middle of this slough and the birds were nesting.No less than 30 birds at a time were swooping down on us.

A shot of dave,this bird came within inches of his head.

It was a fun day,I cant wait till next year when the Terns
But the words get in the way :lol4
Whada ya taking PS lessons from Bird Man :lol
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(P.S lessons from Bird Man) heck I didn't know he was giving lessons:uhoh .Where do I sign up:D Take
but they made me give it back.
i finally figured out that white birds, big white birds work best. it is a fine line between being right for the assignment and just a blob in a photo, unrecognizable, imo. In my shots anyway.
looks like you two were having fun. i can't see that darn lcd screen outside in daylight.
ginger (I can see it in the car down by the floor, but still it is much different than when I get home and upload them.)
Very funny Ice. An extra bonus is that the pics will look fine once the bubbles go. Great colors in the shots. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"