The Wait Time, birds

The birds are waiting for food, I am waiting for "in the air" action........all of these shots are in "the wait" time....... (so as NOT to blow any part of the lightest bird, I let the others, like the stork, go darker, in favor of the lighter bird. I think it worked well. I went all over the photo with the eyedropper, etc to make sure that nothing was blown, then I made it a bit darker, smile.)

Above and below, I was purposely exposing for one bird, leaving the other bird out of focus. All of these are full frame. Handheld, it was difficult to make sure to each bird totally in the above photo, so I took a bunch. The top photo: I wanted the right birds looking the right direction, so I also took a lot of that photo, until I was pretty sure that at least one was right. So hard to tell with the LCD screen.
Below, it is not the greatest shot in the world, but it is backlit, with the rim lighting that I mentioned last night somewhere. The problem was not with the shot, I had so many decisions to make working the shot up, I am still not sure that they were all correct: for instance, the grass could be playing too prominent a role, distracting from the birds. It was just a shot, shot, while I was standing for a sec where I wasn't supposed to be. I was hoping to get a stork reflection. For another day.... (But the below shot, the birds could also have gone a bit darker thereby showing off the rim lighting more.) Decisions.

Finally "the patient" bird. It was back and forth, usually when I wasn't looking.

Pretty good bird shots? Not a one of these are in the air. But I am pleased. I got enough in the air, I got some of the storks to go low key with, already posted and sunken to another page, and I got some more, like these..............
photography by ginger
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
I better go study somemore
That last one in the background is that "The Betty Boop"
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Nice nice! shots. I really like the compo of the first shot. well done
the last one though, watch the background dear :nono
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How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"