Patriarch Grove, IR and 'regular' (image heavy)- C&C welcom

A couple from Patriarch grove. Spent the day playing 'who's Methuselah'? Thought we figured it out. No highlighted pictures of him though.
Processing is all over the place, especially on the IR, still trying to find my place with that.
C&C welcome, especially on what works for you and what doesn't.
IR was taken with the Tokina 11-16mm, which is great for landscapes, not so great for IR, it has a pretty bad IR hot spot in the center. The IR shots below are some where it was minimized, or converted to B+W using channels not so affected.
a) Not the best photo, but it shows the weather and light we had.






6) This is not actually HDR, just a naturally high contrast image, and I intentionally blew out the highlights in the ground.





12) I think the processing on this one is a miss....

13) This one shows the IR hot spot with this lens, it was worse in other shots. Can't see it in the viewfinder, and didn't see it chimping.

Processing is all over the place, especially on the IR, still trying to find my place with that.
C&C welcome, especially on what works for you and what doesn't.
IR was taken with the Tokina 11-16mm, which is great for landscapes, not so great for IR, it has a pretty bad IR hot spot in the center. The IR shots below are some where it was minimized, or converted to B+W using channels not so affected.
a) Not the best photo, but it shows the weather and light we had.






6) This is not actually HDR, just a naturally high contrast image, and I intentionally blew out the highlights in the ground.





12) I think the processing on this one is a miss....

13) This one shows the IR hot spot with this lens, it was worse in other shots. Can't see it in the viewfinder, and didn't see it chimping.


Yeah, if you recognize the avatar, new user name.
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My Photos
We are going up to the White Mtns. in a couple of weeks. Love it there.
Thanks, I'm working on the IR, haven't given it as much time as I thought I would, but I learn something every time I go out. 1 is a bit soft, focusing IR on a dslr system is a bit tough with some lenses, I'm hoping for a second or third generation of digital interchangeable lens mirrorless that will be more ideal for IR. 3 has some sharpness in the full scale version.
Thanks, we had good skies that week. The new visitor center hadn't opened yet, and ironically, the night we were there, a bristlecone next to the brand new visitor was hit by lightening and burned overnight. Apparently they parked an Inyo firetruck up there for the next day or two. Driving home the next day, there was snow on white mountain peak, above about 13,500', more snow than we had up there Jan 2nd. Strange year.
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