tiffen dfx3
What about this program,does it really eliminate the need fo ND filters and such ? I just can not see in post processing how you can regain back so much.BUT I am a newbie just learning so excuse me if I ask a dumb question.....
Much of the time you can do without optical filters, with the following notable exceptions:
Neutral Density (ND) filters and Graduated Neutral Density (GND) filters, related in function but different applications. It's hard to replace these filters with a digital process, although scenes which allow multiple exposures can come pretty close with a digital process.
Whether "Tiffen Dfx 3" and similar digital filters are worthwhile to you depends on how much you would use them, and that's hard to say. I suggest getting the above optical filters, if and/or when you need them for a particular purpose, and likewise for the digital filters. Let your true needs drive your purchases.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums