tiffen dfx3

PHOTOMAYBEPHOTOMAYBE Registered Users Posts: 60 Big grins
edited September 16, 2012 in Digital Darkroom
What about this program,does it really eliminate the need fo ND filters and such ? I just can not see in post processing how you can regain back so much.BUT I am a newbie just learning so excuse me if I ask a dumb question.....


  • ziggy53ziggy53 Super Moderators Posts: 24,187 moderator
    edited September 14, 2012
    No digital filters, or sets of digital filters, can completely replace optical filters, but each (optical and digital) has a place.

    Much of the time you can do without optical filters, with the following notable exceptions:
    Polarizer filters. I have not seen a digital effect of filter which matches the full functionality of an optical polarizer, and circular polarizers are the most useful of this kind for modern dSLRs.

    Neutral Density (ND) filters and Graduated Neutral Density (GND) filters, related in function but different applications. It's hard to replace these filters with a digital process, although scenes which allow multiple exposures can come pretty close with a digital process.

    Whether "Tiffen Dfx 3" and similar digital filters are worthwhile to you depends on how much you would use them, and that's hard to say. I suggest getting the above optical filters, if and/or when you need them for a particular purpose, and likewise for the digital filters. Let your true needs drive your purchases.
    Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
  • PHOTOMAYBEPHOTOMAYBE Registered Users Posts: 60 Big grins
    edited September 16, 2012
    Thank you for your answer and paitience with me.
    ziggy53 wrote: »
    No digital filters, or sets of digital filters, can completely replace optical filters, but each (optical and digital) has a place.

    Much of the time you can do without optical filters, with the following notable exceptions:
    Polarizer filters. I have not seen a digital effect of filter which matches the full functionality of an optical polarizer, and circular polarizers are the most useful of this kind for modern dSLRs.

    Neutral Density (ND) filters and Graduated Neutral Density (GND) filters, related in function but different applications. It's hard to replace these filters with a digital process, although scenes which allow multiple exposures can come pretty close with a digital process.
    Whether "Tiffen Dfx 3" and similar digital filters are worthwhile to you depends on how much you would use them, and that's hard to say. I suggest getting the above optical filters, if and/or when you need them for a particular purpose, and likewise for the digital filters. Let your true needs drive your purchases.
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