Needed-Blanket photo release form

Last summer I took many photos at a French and Indian War re-enactment and surprisingly it now seems I have a market for them.
Long story short the Re-en-actors Association is willing to sign a blanket release for me which will allow me to market the photos in any market I wish in exchange for my allowing them a one time use of a few of the photos in their promotional event flyer.
They also are providing me a place to sell the photos at their next event.
My problem is I am not familiar with "blanket releases" and was wondering where I could find a copy of one to use for my needs.
I looked on line and saw many references to one but no actual release form was pictured.
Thanks ahead for any help with this and Merry Christmas all,
Long story short the Re-en-actors Association is willing to sign a blanket release for me which will allow me to market the photos in any market I wish in exchange for my allowing them a one time use of a few of the photos in their promotional event flyer.
They also are providing me a place to sell the photos at their next event.
My problem is I am not familiar with "blanket releases" and was wondering where I could find a copy of one to use for my needs.
I looked on line and saw many references to one but no actual release form was pictured.
Thanks ahead for any help with this and Merry Christmas all,

So you're needing a Blanket release for the event organizer? If I couldn't find one to suit me, I'd either do a review of the necessary disclaimers and make my own, or simply pony up a few bucks and get a lawyer to cover me with one.
One thing comes to mind though. Actually more than one thing. Minor's. <18 yrs. old in most States. I wouldn't trust an event's blanket release to cover minors, their parents have to sign for them! 2. I think I'd simply make a smallish additional release and ask the event organizers to have folks sign them right where they sign in (such as here). Also I might like to be there personally to present myself and answer questions if any. 3. Just because you have a release doesn't mean you cannot be taken to court. That last sentence is the one that causes me to really think thru before pulling the trigger. If I thought I'd be selling these as or for commercial purposes, say Stock or advertising. I'd make sure to tell them.
In the midst of Shooting if I saw a particular Shot that featured a persons visage, I'd also have a Short form with me to have them sign that, after that moment had passed and I shot it.
Most folks say that a blanket release from an event organizer because of their disclaimers will cover you. But many people cannot think thru to the end. For instance in your stated event. You see some guy or guys handling their weapons in a manner that makes it look like it is attached to their genitalia. You take the shot and then sell it to"______________" < insert male performance enhancing drug here! The guy or guys in question may be well unhappy when they see their visage displayed for the world to see. And so on.
Hope that helps.
I do not see a problem with this whole thing other than coming up with a blanket form I can have them sign, just never dealt with this type of thing before. I know a lot of Pros use them I simply need to see one so I can adapt it to my needs.
Thanks for the reply I appreciate your thoughts.
I then bought an iPhone App called "Easy Release" - it provides me with a pre-loaded release form. I examined the language of that form, compared it with many aspect that I found useful in the above resource and at the end found it suites my needs.
But nothing will ever compare with a real PAID advice of a REAL attorney.