Close Encounter with Bambi...
Today, for the first time, I visited the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge in New Jersey (see my other post on this topic!) Just when I was about to walk out of the woods, I passed a clearing and what did I see?

The light was fading, it was overcast, and I tried to get closer....

She seemed to pay me no mind, so I tried to get even closer....

But that still wasn't good enough for me because I wanted a I waited...and waited...and waited....and

And then, just when I was crowing about getting really close....she was gone....

I'll definitely be visiting again. Check out the other thread for more!

The light was fading, it was overcast, and I tried to get closer....

She seemed to pay me no mind, so I tried to get even closer....

But that still wasn't good enough for me because I wanted a I waited...and waited...and waited....and

And then, just when I was crowing about getting really close....she was gone....

I'll definitely be visiting again. Check out the other thread for more!
Beam me outta here!:winkKT
I love the close up shots. What lens were you using?
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
#2 needs some post work colors seem flat IMO none the less it is a nice picture
#3 is great:D
#4 is ok i get alot of these type of profiles myself too.
Deer on the run .I still am looking to perfect that type of shot.
Thanks for sharing these
Of course, you're correct about the colors but there was no change in ISO or WB. White balance was on automatic but on the last picture I did adjust the white point in post process. I tried to process these quickly last night to post and agree I should make them more consistent. But I still like the headshot very much:):
I like the one before the head shot best, but all are good!
New Jersey? Now why had I not thought?
Of course, they would have to have some wildlife.
Actually I have read that New Jersey is very nice! I think
it is just coming out and telling people about the NICE!
Cool deer you have!
the lens was the 70-300 DO IS. Currently, I am using a rebel xt and have the 17-85 IS, the DO, and I just got a 400mm f5/.6L.
The IS on the DO is quite good. For example, the headshot was 300mm and 1/60 of a second (ISO 800). The head shot down to the ground was 300mm and 1/40 of a second. While the DO is clearly not as sharp as the 400mm f/5.6, i've gotten plenty of excellent shots out of that lens.
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How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
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