Photo Retouching
Hello, my name is Patrick Njawala. I am a photographer based in Malawi. About a year ago I invested into the purchase of cameras and studio lights.
My idea was to do studio photography with emphasis on weddings.
I decided to use a green background with the hope of editing the backgrounds and replace them with the software that I bought.
I talked to a brilliant Graphics guy into doing the Graphics as my skills are photography and basic graphics. I was to take th photos and he was to edit. It started out great but along the way we both went our own ways.
I am now stuck with a clients wedding photos that I want edited to a highest level possible.
Can I get help with editing the photos? I am prepared to pay for this service.
Please point me in the right direction. Please refer to the sample photo attached.
The client wants some dark backgrounds that will make the photos stand out
Another option would be helping me get an easier way that I can use to remove the green screen background (I am told there's green background removing software. Any other easy but professional free (downloadable) photo editing software
looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind regards
My idea was to do studio photography with emphasis on weddings.
I decided to use a green background with the hope of editing the backgrounds and replace them with the software that I bought.
I talked to a brilliant Graphics guy into doing the Graphics as my skills are photography and basic graphics. I was to take th photos and he was to edit. It started out great but along the way we both went our own ways.
I am now stuck with a clients wedding photos that I want edited to a highest level possible.
Can I get help with editing the photos? I am prepared to pay for this service.
Please point me in the right direction. Please refer to the sample photo attached.
The client wants some dark backgrounds that will make the photos stand out
Another option would be helping me get an easier way that I can use to remove the green screen background (I am told there's green background removing software. Any other easy but professional free (downloadable) photo editing software
looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind regards
I don't see a sample photo.