Finding Adobe Photoshop Action files ( custom) on my computer

We had a sort of hard drive crash a few weeks ago... I mean, we didn't lose much if anything that we know of (& yes, my photos are all intact & backed up elsewhere anyway), but the computer basically became un-usable the way it was, etc. (sorry, I don't technically know all the language to describe the events). Anyway, we bought a new hard drive & recovered much of the stuff off the old drive that we wanted, re-installed Vista & other major programs onto the new drive, etc. Well, in the month couple weeks before the crash, I had just learned how to do some bulk processing in PS (thanks to you guys). I spent a couple weeks creating a bunch of custom Photoshop Actions in PS2 (We still have CS2 on the old hard drive). We installed CS4 instead on our new HD, because my spouse is able to have a home copy & it made sense to do the switch-over.
So his plan was to recover my PS Action files as well from the old HD, in hopes of adding them to PS4-- the info. he found online made this appear do-able. The problem is, he can't find the files at all. He sees other .atn files that appear to be some pre-set actions that PS2 came with. None of them have my titles. That's it-- no custom ones that he can find. We're guessing that this means they got fried or whatever; it just seems a little odd to me since the others are there. This post is my last-ditch effort to see if there's something else we should be looking for, or if anyone has any recovery ideas. That's really the only files I know of that I spent time on & would be a real PITA if we can't recover them. They ARE for sure .atn files, right? Is there something that would be "hiding" them from our searches? Also, if we absolutely can't see them (with the old HD hooked up to our re-vamped computer) does that suggest there's no other way to recover them?
P.S.--- Yes, I've been looking into getting BackBlaze for the future (per suggestions from this forum), and imagine I wouldn't be asking this question if I'd had it 2 months ago. (or Amazon; not sure which is better for our purposes). One thing I'm not sure about is the constant uploading. We generally shut off our main power at night. I don't know how much drain that constant uploading of changed files causes on a daily basis? I am also reading & re-reading the most recent version of the DAM book thanks to some of your suggestions, and yes it's fantastic & is EXACTLY what I needed!
So his plan was to recover my PS Action files as well from the old HD, in hopes of adding them to PS4-- the info. he found online made this appear do-able. The problem is, he can't find the files at all. He sees other .atn files that appear to be some pre-set actions that PS2 came with. None of them have my titles. That's it-- no custom ones that he can find. We're guessing that this means they got fried or whatever; it just seems a little odd to me since the others are there. This post is my last-ditch effort to see if there's something else we should be looking for, or if anyone has any recovery ideas. That's really the only files I know of that I spent time on & would be a real PITA if we can't recover them. They ARE for sure .atn files, right? Is there something that would be "hiding" them from our searches? Also, if we absolutely can't see them (with the old HD hooked up to our re-vamped computer) does that suggest there's no other way to recover them?
P.S.--- Yes, I've been looking into getting BackBlaze for the future (per suggestions from this forum), and imagine I wouldn't be asking this question if I'd had it 2 months ago. (or Amazon; not sure which is better for our purposes). One thing I'm not sure about is the constant uploading. We generally shut off our main power at night. I don't know how much drain that constant uploading of changed files causes on a daily basis? I am also reading & re-reading the most recent version of the DAM book thanks to some of your suggestions, and yes it's fantastic & is EXACTLY what I needed!
Anna Lisa Yoder's Images - ... Handmade Photo Notecards: ... Framed/Matted work: ... Scribbles:
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
The action files themselves are often self-contained, especially ones that you created, but some action files use external programs and libraries. If you purchased any actions it would be best to re-install those via the method recommended or supplied by the manufacturer of the action file.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Why shut off power? My computer system (a Mac Pro) hasn't been intentionally shut down (except for necessary restarts with Software Updates) in 4 years.
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First, take Ziggy's advice as it will probably be easier and faster.
I learned that unless you intentionally save your custom action as you create it, Photoshop will save it for you but not where you'd expect. In my case, it saved them in C:\Documents and settings\[my user name]\application data\adobe photoshop cs3\presets\actions.
So, your missing actions may be in some similar folder if Vista has such a thing.
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
We've tried doing all the suggestions in this thread. Still cannot find the custom actions I made in PS2. Only the preset ones showed up using the search methods described. We did try the re-naming & all, and restarted PS4 and also checked to see if we could load the old actions. No custom actions showed up that could be loaded. Any other ideas, or anyone know what could be hiding the custom files or where else they may be hiding? Thanks everyone for the ideas so far. A couple of them seemed like they would work. Bummers.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Regarding the powering down while not in use, it's actually the opposite for hard drives and most electronics...leaving them on is "easier" on them than constantly powering on/off. The expansion/contraction from the system heating/cooling can cause solder junctions and other electronic components to fail over time. Hard drives that worked fine suddenly die when power cycled, etc. The spinning up/down of the drive is the most work it will due. Of course, there is a happy medium and I power mine off at home too.
Note that with Vista you can have both a "Date Created" and a "Date Modified", but I believe that the system defaults to the former. If you right-mouse-click the column header of Windows Explorer it should allow adding a "Date Modified" column and that may give you different results.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
So-- weird thing. Tonight, I went into File>Scripts>Image Processor and was trying to re-acquaint myself with it & trying a couple small batch processes. When I got to #4, "Run Actions" & looked at the dropdown menu, the top set said "Default Actions". But there in the dropdown were 4 sets of actions I'd created in CS2 ! And each set had a few actions I'd created. I really don't think these were all the actions I'd created; I'm wondering if they were only the ones I'd used in any of the batch processing. (I hadn't ever done much batch processing, because about when I wanted to, that's when my Actions were missing & we'd switched programs) Later today, checking Automate Batch & Create Droplet, those same exact actions & action sets show up in those dropdowns as well. And the Default actions all seem to be from CS2.
So when I click on "Window"> Actions, everything that comes up there appears to be from CS2, and yet I'm in CS4. I can see those same actions I found in the File > Automate> Batch, and File> Scripts>Image Processor Menus. Looking through them more, I still really think I'd created a lot more actions. The sets are all there, 12 of them. But only 1, 3, 5 & 10 have actions in which I can see the action's title & all the steps in the action. So... now what? I'll try to formulate some questions here, although I'm not completely sure what I want to ask.
1. Does this mean these old actions are indeed somewhere on my computer (old or new) where I should be able to find them, or are they only showing up because they're loaded into that particular tool, like image processor?
2. What happened to the CS 4 Actions? I assume I want to get them back at some point, maybe after copying the info. from these few old Actions & sets so that I can more easily duplicate some that were useful in the past.
3. If I want to create a few simple actions right now in CS 4, how to I handle them? Do I create them in this old Window>Actions area that basically seems to be all CS2, or do I need to do something to get the CS4 Actions area "back" again?
4. Under the button mode in this CS2 actions area, there are several options for actions such as: Clear all Actions, Reset Actions, Load Actions, Replace Actions. Save Actions is sorta there too, but it looks like I can't choose it... it's sorta grayed out. I did click on it earlier, & that may be why, but I don't think I saved anything, just viewed where it wants to save to. I was afraid to click on any other choices until I know what the heck is going on.
I guess that's all I know to ask right now. I really don't recall how far I'd gotten in CS4 Actions. I kinda think I had a lot more created in CS2, but perhaps had thought out my sets better in CS4... not sure. So I'm saying I may have an equal amount to lose each way, if one program's actions get lost & only one program's actions remain. Writing down the Actions' steps & everything I've got visible right now should help me somewhat in recreating everything in CS 4. Incidentally, I did try a few image processes using those visible old Actions, and the Actions seem to work just fine. They didn't "Save As"; they saved right over the original file, back into the source folder I got them from even though I'd specified another destination folder. (they were copies in the first place, so no problem, but I don't know why they didn't follow my script.) Also, none saved anywhere at all at first; they just piled on top of eachother in PS & I had to click "X" on each file... it then asked me if I wanted to save the changes before closing & I said "yes", so that's the only way the changed files even ended up in the source folder.
This has always been the part of batch processing that eludes me terribly & gives me migraines... file automate & image processor, etc. all have differing ways of handling the new files & it's so hard to know when, where, & how they will save. This has been a problem when creating actions, because I don't know which "save" steps to include or not include with the action. Very frustrating. I need to comprehend that before creating more actions, or it's a complete waste of time.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Adobe\Photoshop\X.0\Adobe Photoshop CSX Settings\Actions Palette.psp
HFS Path: Mac HD:Users:XXX:Library:Preferences:Adobe Photoshop CSX Settings:Actions Palette.psp
Filename: Actions Palette.psp
Then copy this file from your old install to your new one.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
P.S. If you are able, re-install CS2, and see if the old actions show up...then maybe you can manually save them like I did. Although, you probably already tried that.
I have to constantly manually save my actions that I make/download/add, else they won't be saved. If I close PS they will load, but if PS ever crashes, they will disappear.
Also, I use a Mac, and they've never saved in an alternate folder anywhere. Mine just disappeared.
You may be SOL.