Nikon D800 plus 75 SB-800 Flash units = Big Light.
Happy New Year to all! I just posted a new blog post with a behind the scenes video about the making of a Flash Wall. Check it out and let me know what you think! If you like it, please share it with others who may be interested. Cheers.
oops, I forgot the link in the original post. Sorry. ;-)
oops, I forgot the link in the original post. Sorry. ;-)

1, thanks for joining Dgrig, and sharing.
2, The BTS videos are always fun. (I'd like to know more about the idea behind the flags)
And this is just me, but... I like the idea behind this, but dont really care for the end result. Who else has $30K worth of strobes laying around to pull off something cool such as this, and not hide or paint the board they are attached to a little better. Or make it wider, or, wouldnt it be easier and maybe even better looking to take a big piece or two of wood or acrylic and drill holes, paint it black, and put some strobes behind it, and have as many lights (holes) as you would want coming through, big ones, small ones, star shaped ones, etc.
So for me, I'm looking at this, and not seeing the girls so much, but my mind is off looking at all them SB800s, thinking about 375 batteries someone would have to be replacing, or how they are hanging on that ugly piece plywood, or why some are brighter than others, or what I could spend $30K on, and that sorta thing.
Other than that, its pretty cool!
I think a better use would be to illuminate something really really cool and large like fighter jet or a large private jet? Push the limits!!