Missing Color Profile

Hey Guys,
I am uploading my first 10 images to a stock photo agency (VEER). On a couple of them, I got the following error message: "Missing a color profile". What does that mean and how would I fix it.
Why wouldn't I get that error message for all my images if I process them all with LightRoom?
Thank You,
Tom Potter
I am uploading my first 10 images to a stock photo agency (VEER). On a couple of them, I got the following error message: "Missing a color profile". What does that mean and how would I fix it.
Why wouldn't I get that error message for all my images if I process them all with LightRoom?
Thank You,
Tom Potter
Tom Potter
Email: tom@tompotterphotography.com
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Focusing On Colorado
Email: tom@tompotterphotography.com
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Focusing On Colorado
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
I did have a problem once with scanned images using VueScan not embedding ICC profiles. It may be some third party application in your workflow is doing something similar?
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
I thought at first this was an error of mine, but I am beginning to think there is something else occurring here. I have been uploading sRGB images to my Smugmug galleries without any issues for years, and all of a sudden I am seeing files without an ICC profile - at least that is what the exif box on my Smugmug gallery tells me. SO now I am wondering if this happens in the exporting via Lightroom 4, or if the profile is getting stripped on the uploading.
I will investigate this further, as this has happened several times to me recently.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Well one or the other is wrong. Did you examine the image? You can of course check this in Photoshop an elsewhere. Or just send me a suspect document and I'll look at it.
I'd put far more faith in LR doing it correctly, not the web site. I've never heard of LR saving an untagged doc.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
Another thing, since this is presumably a web gallery, there's really zero reason to have an embedded profile, this site should treat everything as sRGB. Another reason why I think the issue is with Smugmug.
Also, there are ways to use EXIF instead of an actual ICC profile to define sRGB. The idea one must upload a tagged sRGB document seems a tad silly.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
But now some of my more recent images are reading "uncalibrated" in the Color Space block in the exif data reader on Smugmug. The images look identical in Photoshop and in Safari on my SM pages, so yes, I think they are ok, but just wonder why they no longer are recognized as sRGB in the reader. LIke this image for example
And this screen shot, that was saved as an sRGB jpg, is listed as an unknown color space also
My operating system is OS 10.7.5 and my bowser is Safari 6.0.2
I am not saying that Lightroom is not tagging the profiles correctly, just that I never really had this problem a year ago, that it seems to be more recently that this has been happening, and I am not sure wherefore this new behavior comes from .
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
Thank you, Andrew, that does help me understand things better.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin