New Calibrtion has turned my monitor a blue tint - help!

I'm using a Spyder 3 Pro. Yesterday I recalibrated and my images have a blue tint. I've recalibrated (over and over) and it has my brightness control to zero in order to "adjust" to its recommended settings. I've used the Spyder 3 Pro for several years and not had this problem before.
I'm using:
Windows 7
Dell 2209WA Monitor
When I click to see the calibrated view my soft warm tones of my image turn cold and blue. I've printed a number of images using the print options with SmugMug and never had an issue with the final outcome, so I've not been working with a "tilted" vision...
Any ideas why it would change on me like this? I'm normally a patient man, but this has me going a bit crazy......
I'm using:
Windows 7
Dell 2209WA Monitor
When I click to see the calibrated view my soft warm tones of my image turn cold and blue. I've printed a number of images using the print options with SmugMug and never had an issue with the final outcome, so I've not been working with a "tilted" vision...
Any ideas why it would change on me like this? I'm normally a patient man, but this has me going a bit crazy......
I don't understand your statement of "when I click to see the calibrated view". Your latest monitor calibration profile should be the one loaded as your monitor default, and you should be using this profile all the time.
You could prepare one image using the warm profile and one using the cool profile and send it out to the printer. Don't go through SmugMug send it direct and make sure you instruct the lab NOT to color correct. When using the monitor profile (with the alleged blue tint) process the the image to look normal. If it looks normal to me and or the print matches your monitor than the calibration is correct.
If you want you can send me a processed file or link here to examples of the warm and blue images. I can view them on my profiled monitor and let you know what I see.
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switched it back to 6500 and it's still blue. I can't get my brightness control on the monitor to drop enough to achieve the number the software is wanting. Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhrrrrrrrggggghhhhhh!!!
BTW, The calibrated view almost always looks a little bluer than uncalibrated to me regardless of which monitor or white point I use.
I try to set my monitor brightness to 100 for best printing results, and I usually have to turn my monitor setting to less than 10%. If you cannot get your monitor down all the way don't sweat it. Just remember to use printing adjustments to bump your brightness (10-20%), and contrast to compensate when you are ready to print your images.
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