VENDOR: Filters and Sensor Cleaning
We need help checking our new site.
Use 20% off coupon code MARCHDGRIN20 to save on any order.
Please provide feedback on anything that is clunky, doesn't work, is annoying, etc.
Share this link/code with any of your photo inclined friends.
A good filter system will help achieve better images straight out of camera...
Use 20% off coupon code MARCHDGRIN20 to save on any order.
Please provide feedback on anything that is clunky, doesn't work, is annoying, etc.
Share this link/code with any of your photo inclined friends.
A good filter system will help achieve better images straight out of camera...

There are no uv or polarizer filters listed.
Also, selling items at list price isn't very inviting to buyers who want a good deal.
We are focusing initially on modular ND, ND Grad and ND Reverse Grad filters. We have plans to add UV and polarizers to our inventory.
We are required to meet MAP (minimum advertised price) requirements by our manufacturers. It is important to us that we stand up to our end of the agreements that we have made with suppliers to sell their products. Our offering the 20% coupon code is a direct attempt to meet MAP requirements and provide a better price.
We realize we probably won't be able to be the lowest price when competing with the likes of B&H, Adorama, etc. But we can offer the ability to go out of the way to provide service that isn't possible from the big names. More than once, on short notice, prior to photo trips I've ordered items that didn't ship in time or were out of stock but not noted as such. We are more than willing to make a last minute run to a shipper at 4:45 on Friday afternoon to make sure you have what you need, in time for your next big shoot.
We're hoping that customers will realize that the lowest price isn't necessarily the best buy.
Maybe the List Price/Our Price usage is misleading? I had a chance to do some research, not very broad but just a couple of high dollar filter items.
For the Hitech-Formatt Reverse ND Grad Kit HT85GKIT7...
Amazon - $182.00
B&H - $182.00
We have the same kit with an everyday price of $151.95.
With the 20% off coupon code that is $121.56, for a total savings of $60.44 (about 33% savings) from the big name sources.
I hope we can pass on savings to some Dgrin folks. If anyone has any troubles or questions with the site please send an email. It is extremely difficult to test and validate an e-commerce site for so many different browsers, operating systems and payment gateways.
Thanks again,
John Cottrell
Not fer nuthin' is it called 'The Web' . . .
Though, IMO, spiders are better designers.