Don't fight. Switch to the Nokia Lumia 920 Windows Phone

I wasn't sure where to post this, but figured a bunch of folks would find this humorous. Last week I stood in line for a long time to get a good seat at my kids elementary school performance, only to have someone come stand in front of me with a tablet to take video of the entire performance.
Last month at a high school performance I went to the rear of the theater to get some wide angle shots of the audience watching the show, and was amazed at the sea of phones recording the performance. I'm usually up close so I can get nice shots with my DSLR.
I'm not sharing to encourage you to get a windows phone... I just thought the add was pretty funny.
I'm still laughing.
Last month at a high school performance I went to the rear of the theater to get some wide angle shots of the audience watching the show, and was amazed at the sea of phones recording the performance. I'm usually up close so I can get nice shots with my DSLR.
I'm not sharing to encourage you to get a windows phone... I just thought the add was pretty funny.
I'm still laughing.
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