Images I almost simply discarder or "Why I love Lightroom".

In a philosophical continuation of the "My Favorite Oak" post that I recently put up (whrere I cloned out a pipe to improve the image) I thought I'd share these recent shots. The originals are flat, bland and poorly toned. They certainly did NOT convey the emotional experience of being there at the moment. These do a much better job of that but have been heavily massaged in Lightroom. Nothing was cloned out. I suppose I would have though (to a limited degree) if necessary. I don't know why that bugs me so damm much but it does. With rare exceptions LR is as far as I'm comfortable taking a RAW image. But hey that's just me and I'm not judging. I SO wish I had the talent and/or equipment to capture images like this (or closer) straight from the lens but I'm not there yet. shrug..

Accidents and Inspiration
One of these days I'll have to figure out what my "style" is..
One of these days I'll have to figure out what my "style" is..
I try hard to get the composition, exposure and focus right when the shot is taken, but I have no qualms about cloning or extensive processing.
One of these days I'll have to figure out what my "style" is..