Tree Topper II

Osprey WhispererOsprey Whisperer Registered Users Posts: 3,803 Major grins
edited October 28, 2005 in Wildlife
Last time it was the great white egret.......

this time it's the little snowy egret atop the tree.










The "original" tree topper post......incase you missed it.
Mike McCarthy

"Osprey Whisperer"


  • RohirrimRohirrim Registered Users Posts: 1,889 Major grins
    edited October 27, 2005
    Nice captures Mike. That Egret doesn't look very comfortable up there.
  • Osprey WhispererOsprey Whisperer Registered Users Posts: 3,803 Major grins
    edited October 28, 2005
    Rohirrim wrote:
    Nice captures Mike. That Egret doesn't look very comfortable up there.
    Thanks Steve. I suppose the uncomfortable look was due to a pesky photog with a noisy camera with a big lens. eek7.gif:D He/she was probably pissed at me for scaring them away from their feeding pond. That stuborn bird sat on that seagrape tree/bush/plant for ever. I waited for way too long for some decent BIF shots. Darn thing never flew off. I ended up leaving.........figuring I need another egret in flight I need another camera. :uhoh rolleyes1.gif
    Mike McCarthy

    "Osprey Whisperer"
  • HarrybHarryb Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 22,708 Major grins
    edited October 28, 2005
    Another set of excellent captures Mike. clap.gif
    Harry NANPA member
    How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
  • Osprey WhispererOsprey Whisperer Registered Users Posts: 3,803 Major grins
    edited October 28, 2005
    Thanks Harry. You need to send me over some different type of birds. I'm worried pretty soon.....I'll go to bed and see snowy egrets in my to the nekked mermaids. eek7.gif :uhoh :D

    I wonder if this snowy is the same bird I keep running into all over town? ne_nau.gif I suppose if I capture him again....and grill him up for dinner....I'll figure this all out. rolleyes1.gif
    Mike McCarthy

    "Osprey Whisperer"
  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited October 28, 2005
    Ben and I took up a collection to send you some of those ?? what do you call them headscratch.gifne_nau.gif oh yea hawks and stuff but collecting $$$ made us hunger so we blew it on lunch :cry sorry but you are doing great with the birds you got and you only have to open the back door thumb.gif:D
    Jeff W

  • bfjrbfjr Registered Users Posts: 10,980 Major grins
    edited October 28, 2005
    Yeah stop whining ....... some people (you know who you are) have to travel far and wide to catch anything but a .......... dare I say sparrow :lol
    you just open your rear door and whamo bamo Egret in a tree thumb.gif

    and good ones they are :D
  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited October 28, 2005
    Mike, those are wonderful shots, But I commiserate, understand the feeling. For a while I couldn't find a Snowy, then that was all I saw.

    I sure don't see raptors. I did this morning, but I had to photograph the blob on the tree, bring it home, all 25 or so shots, load it up to the bridge, go to RAW, blow it up 100%, to find out that it was a hawk, Usually there are Snowys there. The bird even flew. What I got were mostly back shots.

    Didn't matter, so far away that there are hardly any pixels.

    When these birds fly "home", they fly to someone's backyard, an estate type backyard. They do not stay in the marsh and I still don't have access.

    I had a good time today, though.

    My camera needs work, I was going to wait til I saw an eagle. That is not happening. I am accepting it a bit. We are going somewhere new this weekend, but I can't walk for miles anymore, if I ever could. Other than that, I have no idea where to look for different birds, so I take the Snowys, or whatever I get.

    sad isn't it, Mike.

    But the thing is, those are gorgeous shots!

    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • Osprey WhispererOsprey Whisperer Registered Users Posts: 3,803 Major grins
    edited October 28, 2005
    Thanks Jeff, Ben & Ginger. I appreciate your comments and you taking a look. I guess I shouldn't complain about the snowy egrets. I know some seldom get the chance to shoot them. I just feel like I'm going through the motions.....shooting the same bird...and same shots. The lighting doesn't change much down here. If I had something weather proofed....I might have chased some birds in the hurricane. <img src="; border="0" alt="" > :uhoh :D <jk>

    I'm hoping with the colder weather...I'll get some of them migratin' birds from the North. I hope I'll have some new neighbors in my trees and waterways. I would really like to get some BOP shots. Eagles, Hawks, Owls..heck even those darn ugly Turkey Vultures would be nice. The problem I fear is that this itty bitty 200mm will not give me enough reach to capture these birds. Maybe I'll have to set up some sort of "bird blind" to get close to the action?<img src="; border="0" alt="" > You would think I'd see more Osprey living where I do. Heck..the next town over is called "osprey". <img src="; border="0" alt="" > Maybe it was a bad joke...and there are none in the area?

    I have been thinking. If I can't find these other birds....perhaps I could paint the snowy egrets to look like them. A white "canvas" is a good one to paint on. :D <runs for the paints and brushes>



    ...........oldy snapped with the 35mm and scanned the 4"x6" print. The last BOP shot I took..and it was a couple years ago. Grrrr

    Mike McCarthy

    "Osprey Whisperer"
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