Stressed Texture Inter Active Image

Occurred to me that it would be fun for those looking into stressed texture to have something to work on and the barest of guides to developing these textures and very wide appearance results immediately evident. Just to see from 1 shot what happens when....
So if your willing to play for the looks see and what ifs in this image heres what to do. Very easy. This image has been auto color corrected just cause and sharpened for a place to start. Instructions are to copy this image. Create new document in your image editor and past this image on it. Then open your hue saturation adjustment. There you will have the sliders (in PS they are marked this way) 1st Hue, then Saturation followed by Lightness. Here we are going to adjust all the colors at once so leave the drop down choice on top at Master. We will stay at Master but the rest you will change to see the way wide variety of visual results. Very interesting and I hope you enjoy what you find taking place on screen and the potentials it may hold for you one way or the other. Ok, here goes. Once your ready to adjust the sliders you can start with moving the Saturation to the right 50 percent (this number can be anything you like) and you will see the base colors pump up. Now move the Hue slider all the way right very slowly and once at the end of run move the slider all the way to the end left and stop. Now go to Lightness and move it left to say -15 and go back to Hue and move slider again from the far left to far right very slowly once again. Things are very curious right
Maybe even really interesting here and there. Now pump the colors stronger yet by uping Saturation higher again to the right with slider.
Adjust Hue along its entirety again left to right. Adjust lightness again to taste if you like. Repeat as you see fit. We ended up in as many places as you will. I was liking Hue +158, Sat +87, Lightness -18 a bit. No doubt that may change before the day is out. Remember the adjustment numbers and share those with us. I hope you find this a little entertaining and interesting. Let us know that too
Or more simply put your result in this thread. That would be cool too. Very cool.
Starting Image

Adjust Hue along its entirety again left to right. Adjust lightness again to taste if you like. Repeat as you see fit. We ended up in as many places as you will. I was liking Hue +158, Sat +87, Lightness -18 a bit. No doubt that may change before the day is out. Remember the adjustment numbers and share those with us. I hope you find this a little entertaining and interesting. Let us know that too

Starting Image
