Trying to learn...please critique

Took these awhile back with my P&S Canon Powershot. Upgraded to a Nikon D3000 last year to see if I could handle changing lenses all the time. Recently upgraded to the Nikon D7100. However, I'm still learning and although I think these are...good or maybe just ok. I'd like to know what would have made them better or if I can make them better with a little more processing.


it seems like you are distancing yourself too much from your
subject. The lower two scenes are pastoral and pretty, but
without anything of central interest.
I should point out that landscape photography is not an genre
that interests me very much. Others might view your images
The barns need not fill the composition, but they could add
more interest if they were featured more in the image. I
do like the variations in texture presented by the mist or fog
and the clarity of some parts of the images.
Thanks so much Tony. I see what you mean by distance and featuring the barn a little more. I can tell you my thinking on the second shot was using the over-hanging tree branch to frame the barn or scene. As for the third shot I wanted to capture the morning light and shadows. I did or do like the barn but again maybe if I had closed the distance the shots would be more interesting. I will definitely remember this for future shots.
Thanks again,