adding browse level in breadcrumb
breadcrumb is working nice but browse level never appears so we must come back to homepage and choose browse again to come back to main galeries page
how can we add browse level ?
i think the new site of andy has browse level
best regards
breadcrumb is working nice but browse level never appears so we must come back to homepage and choose browse again to come back to main galeries page
how can we add browse level ?
i think the new site of andy has browse level
best regards
Yeah, it would be nice if Andy would let us in on his'd he do that?
best regards
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
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I have a question that kinda relates to this in the new SmugMug: I have a folder named "Galleries" which displays correctly in the breadcrumb. But, if I go a couple layers deep, "Galleries" turns into a folder icon with a downward-facing arrow. Is this normal? I would expect to see: [home icon] > Galleries > Family > Disney World. Instead, I'm seeing [home icon] > [folder icon] > Disney World.
The camera doesn't make a bit of difference. All of them can record what you are seeing. But, you have to SEE.
Ernst Haas, 1985
nice to hear you again :-)
not sure i understand.
in the past, when i started with smugmug, i created some galeries animals with subgaleries horses and dogs and nature with subgaleries landscapes and flowers.
a example of link is :
it becomes in breadcrumb : home>nature>landscape but i'd like it becomes :
home>browse (or galleries)>nature>landscapes
to allow the visitor to come back to main galery page
what must i change ?
best regards
Well, shoot...I don't really want to restructure my folders to have a top level Galleries folder since I've used the simple links built from the old "nice names" far too often, and the user-friendly URL changes when you move galleries around.
Oh seems like a bug that the "browse" level of navigation doesn't work in the breadcrumb since it is a step along the path...I've filed a bug report and we'll see if that one ever gets fixed.
If you want every level shown have you tried going to options for the breadcrumb and setting Display Full Breadcrumb to on?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Yes, I have "full breadcrumb on". So if I go to "browse" in my menu bar, then to a folder called "Trips", then to a folder called "Hiking", then to a gallery called "Wyoming 2012", my "full" breadcrumb shows:
home -> trips -> hiking -> wyoming 2012
I would expect it to accurately report my full path, which was:
home -> browse -> trips -> hiking -> wyoming 2012
So there is no way to follow your breadcrumb back to where you have to go back to the menu if you want to start at the top level again.
same for me ! browse level is missing and it is an important one because it contains the main gallery page
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I have found the solution !!!
I have a folder "events" in which i have several albums of our family holidays,... and several galeries "animals", "nature",...
browse menu shows folders on top (events !) and galeries below. It is ugly.
I have created a folder "galleries" because i noticed in andy's url that this name always appear for each gallery. i have drag and drop all galeries in this new galleries folder.
I have deleted browse menu in customize site and added two new menus : events and galleries on which i have copied pasted the URL given in organize for these folders (settings tab).
so now I can directly access to event galeries or portfolio galeries AND, cherry on the cake, events and galleris appear in breadcrumb
best regards
Hi, Denise! I did as you suggested but didn't notice any changes. "Galleries" still turns into a folder icon. I did notice, however, that if I click the folder icon, a dropdown appears that contains the link to "Galleries".
I wonder if this might be a bug?
The camera doesn't make a bit of difference. All of them can record what you are seeing. But, you have to SEE.
Ernst Haas, 1985