Target of the link on Images, Insert a link on slideshow [New Smugmug]
When I insert images with new Smugmug Customize Site, there is no option for setting a target of link. Which means I can't have a control of the link and the link always pops up with new window.
any idea for this issue? And I can't insert a link on the slideshow. Those functions are very basic to build websites. And In order to avoid this issues, if using custom html and css is the only option then New Smugmug is not achieving their goal such as providing a user-friendly website solution.
any idea for this issue? And I can't insert a link on the slideshow. Those functions are very basic to build websites. And In order to avoid this issues, if using custom html and css is the only option then New Smugmug is not achieving their goal such as providing a user-friendly website solution.
I am with you here. I actually try to achieve that to have an image on my homepage link to a site of my chosing. something you would think is quite basic for a photo-site :-)
but to my knowledge there is at the moment no way for self-customized links from images. full-stop. I am in (knd-of) contact with the SM-support, but am waiting for the final clarification here...
... otherwise I guess this will have to be turned into a feature request... once we know where these should be pointed to.
best! + look forward by any hints from others on this myself!