Unveiled and Now Images Broken...

Ok, perhaps it's just because I unveiled in a leep of faith about 2 hours ago, and my site is just catching up BUT...
I thought I'd review the site a regular visitor, using Chrome.
Pages look fine, folders/galleries look fine, click on a thumbnail and get

Try a whole bunch and get the same!
Eventually I start getting

I ened up hitting "refresh," or whatever they call in Chrome, a bunch of times until full images appeared.
Please tell me this is just a temp thing due to only unveiling a short time ago...
I thought I'd review the site a regular visitor, using Chrome.
Pages look fine, folders/galleries look fine, click on a thumbnail and get

Try a whole bunch and get the same!
Eventually I start getting

I ened up hitting "refresh," or whatever they call in Chrome, a bunch of times until full images appeared.
Please tell me this is just a temp thing due to only unveiling a short time ago...
If it is persistent on your computer with Chrome, see if you get the same result in Firefox or IE to see if it is a Chrome thing. (I am using a Chrome Pixel computer, so all I have is Chrome, so I can't verify the hypothesis.)
Is there a specific link or image you'd like me try?
Like you, I unveiled a few days ago and I regret to say I am finding lots of issues. Some of these are related to my own unfamiliarity with the new interface but others are more worrying.
I have several issues I'm struggling with. Basically my site is working 70%
Uketeecee, have you submitted your questions/issues to the help desk?
Photo Blog
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
I don't want to unnecessarily add to that workload, so I'm checking and re-checking before I compile my list of issues to be submitted.
You can always ask here in dgrin! I will be on all night
Photo Blog
But one quick question please. Is there a 48 gallery display limit? I saw a message 'You have reached the limit of 48' when trying to display all my galleries.
I tested your site under the same weddings gallery. I also have a fast cable internet connection.
1. Under Chrome I am seeing something similar, a black, blank screen, when I first click on the image. After hitting refresh 'once' the photo pops right up.
2. Under Firefox all the images instantly opened up with no problem.
3. Under IE all the images opened fine with no problems as well.
I then rechecked my website and had no problems with any browser including Chrome. So there is something different with your site since I have the same Chrome settings and it works with mine and not yours. You are free to compare here if you like: http://landandseaphoto.smugmug.com/
Initial observations: Some sites like yours stall upon opening an image for the first time while using Chrome. This may have something to do with local Chrome settings. Its hard to say why. And since it only happens under one browser its hard to call it a SM bug. Though there could be something weird going on between SM and Chrome in combination.
My Smugmug Gallery
Thanks Derek! I will keep trying to test this out tomorrow.
Photo Blog
The funny thing is they 'pop' right open in other browsers. So it makes me think its more closely related to Chrome & SM in combo in certain situations.
My Smugmug Gallery
I'll sit tight and see what happens as I don't think there's anything I can do on my end.
Thanks for the update....I will continue to test this and try to nail it down
Photo Blog
What the heck are you doing up at 4AM replying to posts? Also, because of your avatar, I read your posts and Mark Hamill's voice is what I hear.
Michael, C'mon you've got to sleep, man!
My Smugmug Gallery
No matter whether extensions are enabled or not.
Darter, 4am is my happy time
Can you send me a link to the gallery your bride was having issues with?
Photo Blog
I'm seeing this behavior on all my galleries using Chrome on three different machines. Just pick a gallery. Two are Win7, one is Win8. I get either a blank screen, or the partial screen when an image is clicked. There's no real rhyme or reason to that I can see. Once an image does load, that image will always load.