Customizing the contact me form?
Love the new "Contact form" option, but I hate the picture that comes with it (Sorry!). Is there any way I can swap that out for something I took instead? I couldn't find this option anywhere, but there's a good chance I missed it - I am completely overwhelmed with the new site (and not in a good way).
I emailed smugmug for help but naturally, there are no responses since they, too, are overwhelmed (and not in a good way.
Thanks for any help.
I emailed smugmug for help but naturally, there are no responses since they, too, are overwhelmed (and not in a good way.

Thanks for any help.
In your profile settings, choose the photo you want.
You don't have to be in the customizer mode.
Click on your user name > Profile. You'll see where you can choose a profile photo.
SmugMug setup & customization services. Contact me!
Proud & helpful Smugger since 2009. Please hire me for Support Hero!!
I first contacted Jill V. in April 2011 & I even wrote a poem.
"Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone, and take back something worth remembering..."
Three Dog Night
I just created a 'contact me' page (e-mail). I also have a 'guest book' page. Both are located under ABOUT in my navigation bar.
I am confused by some of the comments I have read in various threads regarding these pages. Would someone confirm or correct my belief: that (at least for the present time) the 'guest book' page is only functional for a logged in SmugMugger to leave me a comment on my web site? And the 'contact me' page sends an e-mail to me from anyone in the world who happens to stop at my website and wants to send me an e-mail?
I believe I have seen sites with both (mine has both, right now) but I am not sure what the benefit is to have both. Any comments (no joke intended)?
Lastly, would someone leave me a comment and an e-mail as a test for functionality (entering 'test' is more than adequate). Thanks
IMO, they are different. Lets say that someone wants to contact you regarding a purchase - this needn't be for everyone to see, thus the "contact me" form.
But on the other hand, if people would like to write how much they enjoyed your photos - it could be nice to enable others to read their comments.
And yes, as I understood too - in order to leave a comment one must be logged in to FB or SM. That's why I don't have a guestbook - though I have created and customized a guestbook page.
To contact you, people don't need to be logged in to anything. They fill the form but they do not see you e-mail @ddress.
WiscoFrank and Frank Childress! I received your comments and emails. So, I'm functional! What a concept. Now, am I redundant?
Thanks for your comment. I see your point and I agree with its logic. How come you chose to not have a comments page?
Because myself, I absolutely hate having to register \ log in to anything when I want to leave comments anywhere. So until they change their minds and fix this, I'll pass.
I do, however, have the option of leaving remarks for photos. For one thing, I'm not sure I remember where I turn this off - though I think it is possible. The other thing is that when it's there under the photos, it's different than when someone notices a link to a guestbook, takes the trouble of moving his mouse all the way up there and spending the energy needed to click it - only to find that he should have been logged in to something that he might not be registered to.