Cannot Navigate Back to Browse Page with Breadcrumbs
Is it just not possible to get back to your original Browse Page (named Portfolio in my case) by clicking on the breadcrumbs?? They seem to go to a page for the folders (Limited Edition Prints) that is an empty page. I would duplicate the Browse/Portfolio page if it would help but no luck. It seems you shouldn't have to go up to the nav bar to get back. Am I missing something here.
Joe Filer
Joe Filer
I think I have the same issue in my Preview site. In the Menu items, I changed the word "Browse" to "Galleries". My home page has my logo and a slideshow. If I choose "Galleries" in the menu, it takes me to a page showing my top level folders/galleries. The breadcrumb shows "Browse" - how can I change that to "Galleries"?
Then, I click on a folder/gallery to drop down a level, say, to History. Then the breadcrumb only shows the home icon and the current folder - History. That's what the thread owner is talking about. I have system set to show full breadcrumbs. Then, I drop down another level and the breadcrumb adds the next level. To get back to the Top Level folders, you have to use the Menu item to get there.
Whoops, forgot to click the email notification thing.
EDIT: I have been informed to go to the top and click the Thread Tools icon to Follow the thread without adding a comment like mine here. HAhaha! Learn something new every day!