I'm not familiar with JotForm. What benefits does it have over Wufoo?
There are so many better forms on there and their customizations and features are a lot better i think than wufoo. Also when a client submits with wufoo it would say something like "thank you for using wufoo" and jotforms doesn't do that. You can check out my jotform here http://www.k-ophotography.com/Other/Contact/21670413_TSQGZC I'm still on legacy. The only thing is that I can't seem to find a way to implement them without using Iframes and since Smugmug isn't currently allowing them I'm not sure what you guys would do. Anyways check it out I was told about jotform when I was customizing my old sm by an smugmug hero
There are so many better forms on there and their customizations and features are a lot better i think than wufoo. Also when a client submits with wufoo it would say something like "thank you for using wufoo" and jotforms doesn't do that. You can check out my jotform here http://www.k-ophotography.com/Other/Contact/21670413_TSQGZC I'm still on legacy. The only thing is that I can't seem to find a way to implement them without using Iframes and since Smugmug isn't currently allowing them I'm not sure what you guys would do. Anyways check it out I was told about jotform when I was customizing my old sm by an smugmug hero
100% agreed. I can customize my jotform to match my site. I love jotform. Used woofu once...that's it, just once. Jotform sold me immediately. Please SM get jotform on here soon.
I'm not familiar with JotForm. What benefits does it have over Wufoo?
Adobe Forms Central allows more control over the fonts and other items than what I find in Wufoo and Jotform. I think their payment fields are better as well. I set it up with a link on an image (see Purchasing page) but don't know if you can build it in the way you do with Wufoo. You have to pay with any of them to have payment integration.
Wufoo: $129, 10 forms, 500 submissions per month
Jotform: $119, Unlimited forms, 1,000 submissions per month
Adobe: $143, Unlimited forms, 5,000 submissions per form
Also, I tried adding the Wufoo Form block (see Purchasing-Test Form) but the text is grayed out. I don't know if that has to do with the background or what. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Also, I tried adding the Wufoo Form block (see Purchasing-Test Form) but the text is grayed out. I don't know if that has to do with the background or what. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Can you give a little more detail as to what you mean? I have a contact form through Woofu that I have been trying to get to work but had previously been unsuccessful. Has that been fixed now?
Log into your Wufoo account. Find your form and click "code." On that page you should see boxes for a variety of code types. The top one (I think) says "Shortlink URL" or something to that effect. Copy it.
Go to your contact page on your NEW SM.
Click to edit the page. Under the "Social" link in the content boxt you will see "Wufoo."
Drag a Wufoo box onto the page. It will ask for the "Shortlink URL." Paste it in and click done.
Jot form next maybe
I'm not familiar with JotForm. What benefits does it have over Wufoo?
There are so many better forms on there and their customizations and features are a lot better i think than wufoo. Also when a client submits with wufoo it would say something like "thank you for using wufoo" and jotforms doesn't do that. You can check out my jotform here http://www.k-ophotography.com/Other/Contact/21670413_TSQGZC I'm still on legacy. The only thing is that I can't seem to find a way to implement them without using Iframes and since Smugmug isn't currently allowing them I'm not sure what you guys would do. Anyways check it out I was told about jotform when I was customizing my old sm by an smugmug hero
100% agreed. I can customize my jotform to match my site. I love jotform. Used woofu once...that's it, just once. Jotform sold me immediately. Please SM get jotform on here soon.
Adobe Forms Central allows more control over the fonts and other items than what I find in Wufoo and Jotform. I think their payment fields are better as well. I set it up with a link on an image (see Purchasing page) but don't know if you can build it in the way you do with Wufoo. You have to pay with any of them to have payment integration.
Wufoo: $129, 10 forms, 500 submissions per month
Jotform: $119, Unlimited forms, 1,000 submissions per month
Adobe: $143, Unlimited forms, 5,000 submissions per form
Also, I tried adding the Wufoo Form block (see Purchasing-Test Form) but the text is grayed out. I don't know if that has to do with the background or what. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Joe Filer
Customizations of typography, colors, etc. is all done on the Wufoo side. In your Form Manager, just create a new theme and change the aspects you care about. http://help.wufoo.com/articles/en_US/SurveyMonkeyArticleType/Theme-Designer
Thanks, fixed the theme background and that fixed the problem.
Joe Filer
Any idea why the edges of my form are being cut off? I'm not live, but if you look at my legacy page:
you will see black outside the text and a double border. Both are gone when I use the Wufoo box in NEW SM.
Log into your Wufoo account. Find your form and click "code." On that page you should see boxes for a variety of code types. The top one (I think) says "Shortlink URL" or something to that effect. Copy it.
Go to your contact page on your NEW SM.
Click to edit the page. Under the "Social" link in the content boxt you will see "Wufoo."
Drag a Wufoo box onto the page. It will ask for the "Shortlink URL." Paste it in and click done.
Is it possible to do the same for Google Forms?
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