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How do I fix it when although I've created several different galleries, when I preview they all go to the same one gallery? I've double and triple checked that they all have the correct links. What am I doing wrong?:scratch
Thank you!
Thank you!
Conniehttp://www.ConnieAndersonPhotography.comTexas Interior | Architectural | Commercial Photography
Are you saying your links are wrong, or... ? In preview, when you hover over a link, does it show the expected URL?
Is it only preview? When you exit and publish, does it work right then?
When I go to preview it goes to a completely different gallery of images althought the url is correct
soooo frustrated
Sorry, not a clue. Clearly wrong. Maybe a direct help request to SM?
Here is a shot of the page. The part in green is the locked content box. If anyone has a clue on how to remove it I would be so grateful.
Also, the other problem I'm having is this. What you see on that page is two different gallery's. I can be on the home page in preview and it is showing the wrong gallery. And yes, I've checked the url to be sure I have it pointing to the right one. Still scratching my head on all of this.
It looks like you're trying to add navigation to an actual gallery page, which is a really weird thing to do. What are you trying to achieve exactly?
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Thanks, initially I was adding a couple of content blocks just to see what I liked best. The I tried to delete the one below, but it became locked down and I could delete it, still cant and I wasn't trying to add additional navigation.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Thanks! I'll check that out.