Smugmug style - move caption up

I played with moving the captions up to closer to the main photos in Smugmug Style gallery.
Moved photo number indicator out of way to left. Added the z-index's so share & right tools
are clickable.
Any thoughts? Does it work for everyone? Needs testing across platforms and browsers. Had to
move share down so photo indicator doesn't overlap it on small window.
I added this to "entire site CSS". Yellow, I had already in there.
Moved photo number indicator out of way to left. Added the z-index's so share & right tools
are clickable.
Any thoughts? Does it work for everyone? Needs testing across platforms and browsers. Had to
move share down so photo indicator doesn't overlap it on small window.
I added this to "entire site CSS". Yellow, I had already in there.
/* move caption up */ .sm-gallery-image-pagination { position: relative; float: left; z-index: 10; } /* caption center */ #sm-gallery .sm-tile-info { [COLOR="Yellow"] max-width: none; text-align: center; color: #000!important;[/COLOR] position: relative; top: -40px; } .sm-button-image-share { position: relative; z-index: 99; top: 30px; left: -85px; } .sm-gallery-image-tools { position:relative; z-index:99; } /* END move caption up */
Hi: Saw you response above. I too have many long captions and had the same issue as you when I tried Allen's code. After reading through some CSS 'how to" web sites and using his code as a starting point, I tried this:
/* caption center */
#sm-gallery .sm-tile-info {
max-width: 80%;
text-align: justify;
color: ffffcc;
position: relative;
top: -45px;
left: 135px
The "top" negative number moves the caption closer to the image (the more the negative number, the closer it gets). The "left" number prevents overlapping the image numbers, adjust according to your taste. The text align of justify and the percentage of width control how wide the caption gets and how word wrap behaves.
I really don't know what I am doing with CSS code. It's just trial, and pot luck. That said, I think it vastly improved the caption situation that we both have. Check out look at some of the images with bigger captions and see if this looks like it might work for you.
It's not perfect by far. I want to try to figure out how to move the page indicator to the left a bit so I can move the caption to the left as well. And one small glitch ... if you shrink the browser window too much, the photo info icon overlaps with the caption. Don't know how to fix that. But that doesn't upset me too much. What I really like to do is to figure out how to put the photo info icon under the image number (to the left of the caption).
If any one has a better way to do all of this, please chime in.
Prescott, AZ
This works fine on my desktop pc, ipad and MAC book pro.
I like the looks of it.
I just added font-size: 20px to the caption center part to bump up the size of my caption.
My captions are usually only a few words so no overlap
Hi James and Allen
I combined your two posts and did a version. A caveat is that I know very little HTML and knew absolutely nothing about it a week ago.
Anyway this is it,
/* move caption up */
.sm-gallery-image-pagination {
position: relative;
float: right;
z-index: 10;
.sm-gallery-smugmug .sm-gallery-image-totals
min-width:0px !important;
/* caption center */
#sm-gallery .sm-tile-info {
max-width: 70%;
text-align: justify;
color: ffffcc;
position: relative;
top: -45px;
left: 0px
.sm-button-image-share {
position: relative;
z-index: 99;
top: 30px;
.sm-gallery-image-tools {
/* END move caption up */
You can see the results in any of my galleries
Thank you both for sharing your code.
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Yeah I noticed that too on a netbook. I'll leave it like that for now.
Hi Allen
I moved the button to under the tiles. Not ideal. It would be better anchored under the tools at the extreme right but I don't know how do do that and still have it show up on smaller screens like the tools do. There is enough space do this and it should have been with the other tools as a default.
Anyway I'm pretty happy with the end product. I also increased the line spacing for the bold link in the caption. The bold font was coming too close to the line above. All I need now is for the Title to recognize HTML tags so that I can put the Latin names in italics and in a smaller font size.
Brampton, Canada
bigger issues, lost about 90 pages of customized html out of the blue.
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Good luck and know that your intelligent work is appreciated by many,
Brampton, Canada