Add Multiple Banners

I'm trying to change my "entire site" banner to a different one for a folder. This CSS hides the "entire
site" banner for two folders and only for these two.
site" banner for two folders and only for these two.
.sm-page-node-JRVSp .sm-page-widget-375011 .sm-image, /* 2013-2 */ .sm-page-node-hHPg7 .sm-page-widget-375011 .sm-image /* 2013-1 */ {display:none;}But I can' find a way to replace the image with a new image. This does not work.
/* banner */ .sm-page-node-JRVSp .sm-page-widget-375011 .sm-image, /* 2013-2 */ .sm-page-node-hHPg7 .sm-page-widget-375011 .sm-image /* 2013-1 */ { width: 1024px !important; height: 71px !important; margin: 0 auto !important; background: url( no-repeat !important; }Any ideas?
the URL above cannot be found
this here does change the banner ( Birding 2013 August Galleries)
Isn't that legacy SM? The new one doesn't give us such nice hooks. I wish they would add a class for each folder and then gallery to the body tag, as we drill down each level would keep the prior tags and add a new one named for the current level. then we could hook into those to change things at a specific level and have our changes "flow down".
i just copied it from Al his own site
all i did was change the link in another
We really need this, feature request here.
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close customizer
open the gallery , then open customizer
this gives the option to make it custom
drag a logo box in the header section and choose your image
the gallery will neglect all your other sitewide changes , so need to do some extra work on it
I now have a single photo box on my "entire site", do I need to change that to a logo "entire site"? This
is what I want on all pages except for specific areas. In specific areas customize "just this... " replacing
the logo?
My Website index | My Blog
doing 1519 galleries would be a lot of work indeed
But as you go down the body class does not carry the parent pages classes.
main folder class,
main folder class > all sub-folders class,
main folder class > all sub-folders > all galleries class
{new logo image}
My Website index | My Blog
go to subfolder
go to customizer , make this folder custom
then all galleries in the folder obey
Does the logo act differently?
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