Butterflies -- critique wanted

nightowl66nightowl66 Registered Users Posts: 98 Big grins
edited November 2, 2005 in Wildlife



42691640-M.jpgThese are just a sampling of my collection


  • SteveFSteveF Registered Users Posts: 466 Major grins
    edited November 2, 2005

    Here's some thoughts - please take them with a grain of salt and not personally - just trying to say what I honestly think, which is what I hope others do with my photos.

    First of all they're all good shots.

    #1 - I don't care for the background. It either looks like something natural with a lot of digital noise or a wall. I think that something smoothly blurred and more natural colored would work better.

    I'm also not too keen on the "upside down at an angle" perspective. I know this is how they hang, but as a picture it's somehow not "comfortable" to look at for a while.

    #2 - My favorite. Only nit picks here would be the bright vertical line along the right hand side - ideally that would be there. Also looking at the upper left lot of noise / grain. If it was shot digitally I'd run it through a noise reducer.

    #3 Butterfly is nice, but as a photograph I can't get past the harsh shadows and a wall.
  • Ric GrupeRic Grupe Registered Users Posts: 9,522 Major grins
    edited November 2, 2005
    My 2 cents...
    ...appealing shots! thumb.gif Nice soft look and pastel coloring.

    A little Gaussian blur on the background and a touch of contrast enhancement on the subject would make the butterflies standout better without loosing that soft look. Pains taking masking...I know.
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