GALLERY DESCRIPTION BOX does not float above thumbnails in new SmugMug

On my legacy site, I have some galleries with long descriptions (several paragraphs).
The legacy display allows the description box to float ABOVE the photo thumbnails (SmugMug theme).
When viewed in new SM mode, the thumbnails sit on top of the description and hide most of the text.
Why cannot the new SM be made to act in the same fashion as legacy?
(Example link below)
The legacy display allows the description box to float ABOVE the photo thumbnails (SmugMug theme).
When viewed in new SM mode, the thumbnails sit on top of the description and hide most of the text.
Why cannot the new SM be made to act in the same fashion as legacy?
(Example link below)
Here is an attempt to clarify my problem.
The image below shows the behaviour of the gallery description box when viewed in the New SmugMug.
The link given in my previous posting shows the appearance in legacy SM, which allows the description to float above the thumbnails and gallery picture.
I want the new SM to reflect the behaviour of the legacy site.
This would appear to be a design error.
I may have previously posted this on the wrong thread. I hope that somebody here may be able to help me.
On my legacy site, I have some galleries with long descriptions (several paragraphs).
The legacy display allows the description box to float ABOVE the photo thumbnails (SmugMug theme).
When viewed in new SM mode, the thumbnails sit on top of the description and hide most of the text.
Why cannot the new SM be made to act in the same fashion as legacy?
(The link below shows the appearance in legacy SM - I have not yet unveiled.)
The attached image shows how new SM presents the display of the gallery thumbnails.
They overwrite the gallery description rather than allowing the description to appear above the gallery photos.
Can any of the experts here cast some light upon the problem and perhaps offer a solution?
This would appear to be a major fault in the new SM architecture, although, I have not seen other postings raising this point.
Sorry I don't have an answer for you but wonder if there is something odd on your legacy site causing this?
I have a gallery that has a long description which has migrated without any problem
Your link isn't working for me:(
Caroline - Follow me on G+
Thank Caroline for your response.
The link has been edited, BUT it may not work correctly due, somehow, to the influence of new SM.
Could you just try the link to my website (in signature) and navigate to Wildlife>Birds>Puffins and you will see how the gallery description behaves normally (legacy, obviously). The description was entered originally as HTML but that should not have caused problems.
Your unveiled site is splendid. Looking at the long gallery description via webdev toolbar shows the correct identity "sm-gallery-description". I assume that the height and width have been automatic via SM and that you did not need to amend them.
What a curious business! There must have been some sort of upset when SM did the flip of my legacy code to the new version. I live in hope that this can be sorted out!
Caroline, you appear to have had a magical effect upon me! The fact that your splendid site works correctly left only one diagnosis - must be at my end.
I suddenly thought that there might be some rogue CSS code lying around.
I have seen posts about the CSS code being stripped of comments and rendered into a single long line - which is profoundly irritating.
That is what has happened to my site. Fortunately, I keep a copy of my CSS and was able to rebuild it.
All is now well!
Many thanks for the stimulus. I shall sleep soundly tonight.
Hi James,
The link works just fine now - super pics:)
Thank you for your kind comments re my site, I'm pleased with the transition, it was a good opportunity to do some tidying up.
My long gallery description was just entered periodically with no adjustments and transitioned exactly as you see it without any tinkering.
I'm sure you;ll be able to resolve this in due course but it is a bit annoying. Does this behaviour repeat with all your longer descriptions? Could you set up a dummy gallery with text etc to test it out?
Ah Ha! You've cracked it while I was typing:) It's always great to go to sleep with a problem solved rather than it niggling away. - Follow me on G+