Customization does not seem to be uploaded.

I am having trouble where my changes do not seem to be updating to live site. I do not see 'Unveil' anymore. I see Publish and I presume they have changed to that instead in order to upload to live.
Is this now the way to update live site.
Problem I am having is when I add a logo to my site(Entire Site block) it does not show up when going to the live site. However the associated link to the image(on live site) is still there as I see cursor change to hand when I move to where logo should be.
Seems no matter what I do the logo will not appear when going to the web page. I even tested by changing something else just to see if the update would occur. And it did.
So I am puzzled to what is going on.
Your help would be appreciated. The site was working day ago and now I am faced with this problem. have been trying in other browsers thinking it may be caching issue but no luck.
I look forward to your reply.
Is this now the way to update live site.
Problem I am having is when I add a logo to my site(Entire Site block) it does not show up when going to the live site. However the associated link to the image(on live site) is still there as I see cursor change to hand when I move to where logo should be.
Seems no matter what I do the logo will not appear when going to the web page. I even tested by changing something else just to see if the update would occur. And it did.
So I am puzzled to what is going on.
Your help would be appreciated. The site was working day ago and now I am faced with this problem. have been trying in other browsers thinking it may be caching issue but no luck.
I look forward to your reply.
I had the same problem and it was a easy fix, the settings in the gallery I had my logo in was set to private, so it only showed when I was logged in. Check that out.
Jarboe Doggart Photography -