What a nightmare.....
I keep hoping I'll be able to figure out the new smugmug, but alas the many hours (seems like days) spent trying to get the new smugmug to look like the old smugmug have been in vain. All I want is for all my galleries to show up on one page. The simplest of simple requests, but impossible for a person of "normal" intelligence to accomplish. Some galleries show up then a "folders" gallery that contains all my stuff...how are viewers supposed to know to click"folders." Ridiculous to make this so incredibly complicated that it cannot be done. Smugmug has (will) become worthless as I cannot give my viewers access to my galleries. I shouldn't have to pay someone to do this for me!!!! But I would if I could.....
allen sklar
Add a "Navigation / galleries" content block to the page. In the settings for the content block, set "Select from" to "Galleries | choose", then click "choose galleries". Click on every gallery you own. Now click "done", and you're done!
I think the limit to the number of galleries in one block is 49 or something similar. I just added a couple of different Galleries content blocks to the page. That way I can split up my galleries into more useful categories, and I'm well under the 49 gallery limit.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!