Sizing help
Ok First off I like the new smugmug more than I thought I would, but I could use some help. 1st off I have a portfolio page with two galleries listed on it the default images for the two galleries are big squares that crop the picture. How can I change the size of the thumnails or the arrangement of the galleries? Next question is... In the collage landscape mode I have to scroll to see all the pictures. Is there a way to have multiple pages similar to the legacy style. I also like the smug view for galleries but all the thumbnails and the main image seem kind of small is there a way to make everything bigger? I know these questions are about as clear as mud but any help would be appreciated

How can I change arrangtement, spacing and or size of thumbs I dont want to have to scroll down to see all galleries

How do I make the smug style appear bigger both thumbs and main image

How do I change size and have entire image show.

How can I change arrangtement, spacing and or size of thumbs I dont want to have to scroll down to see all galleries

How do I make the smug style appear bigger both thumbs and main image

How do I change size and have entire image show.
Thanks in advance.