How to remove captions hovering over images/slideshows
Posting here as have been unable to find an answer to an aspect of new SmugMug- does anyone have any custom code to prevent captions from appearing when the mouse moves over slideshows or thumbnails and images on your front page?
I find it really annoying that my slideshow gets obscured just because the photo has a long caption.
Any advice appreciated,
Thank you
Posting here as have been unable to find an answer to an aspect of new SmugMug- does anyone have any custom code to prevent captions from appearing when the mouse moves over slideshows or thumbnails and images on your front page?
I find it really annoying that my slideshow gets obscured just because the photo has a long caption.
Any advice appreciated,
Thank you
I recently had a similar problem. Solved on this topic:
But that topic does not solve the issue, being that I want Captions on my photos, but not the hover tags.
I don't want to remove all the captions, as they are important, but having them pop up on photos outside of a gallery setting is just plain annoying.
It seems an unsolved issue and one SM heroes couldn't with help either.
The search goes on...
Here's the author's paragraph for Firefox. (I used it in Firefox for Windows.)