Another snag - order of galleries within folders
I have just two folders on my site and one of them has 66 galleries within it.
These were set to be displayed in "sort by date modified" order and that's how they appeared. I decided that I didn't like this order on the "Galleries" page so modified it in "organizer" to "sort manually".
I sorted out the order that I wanted and clicked "done" and precisely nothing happened - they're still in the same order as before. So I tried "sort by date created" - sure enough the gallery thumbnails all moved in the organizer window, I clicked "done" and - nothing - the galleries still display in the original order.
I then tried the same thing in the other folder which has just four galleries within it but the same thing happens - nothing!
However, if I go through the same scenario with the two folders the changes do show - so what's happening here? Am I stuck with the gallery order display as it is?
I tried logging out/in again, refreshing the site and so on but everything was still the same.
Certainly the gallery order does change under the "sort by date modified" to show the newest modified gallery first, but only when photos (or a new gallery) are uploaded - if I move a photo from one gallery to another this seems not to count as a "modification" - though it did in the legacy SmugMug.
Anyone any idea why this part of the much-vaunted (blow your socks off) organizer doesn't work?
Thanks in anticipation,
Cheers, Geoff
These were set to be displayed in "sort by date modified" order and that's how they appeared. I decided that I didn't like this order on the "Galleries" page so modified it in "organizer" to "sort manually".
I sorted out the order that I wanted and clicked "done" and precisely nothing happened - they're still in the same order as before. So I tried "sort by date created" - sure enough the gallery thumbnails all moved in the organizer window, I clicked "done" and - nothing - the galleries still display in the original order.
I then tried the same thing in the other folder which has just four galleries within it but the same thing happens - nothing!
However, if I go through the same scenario with the two folders the changes do show - so what's happening here? Am I stuck with the gallery order display as it is?
I tried logging out/in again, refreshing the site and so on but everything was still the same.
Certainly the gallery order does change under the "sort by date modified" to show the newest modified gallery first, but only when photos (or a new gallery) are uploaded - if I move a photo from one gallery to another this seems not to count as a "modification" - though it did in the legacy SmugMug.
Anyone any idea why this part of the much-vaunted (blow your socks off) organizer doesn't work?
Thanks in anticipation,
Cheers, Geoff
I now have the galleries in the order I'd like, so much happier.
Cheers, Geoff
What you do affects more than just you...
Cheers, Geoff