No idea wth im doing, need help/guidance

dont like being forced to change to new SM when im happy with my old site but now i guess i have two choices, get some help or shut er down. rather not shut my site down but if i cant get it migrated over to the new format and have it looking like my old one, well i guess i will have to shut the site down 
I have *zero* coding skills, none, nill, ziltch, nada. the reason why i liked Sm was that it was simple to use but i havent the slightest idea what im doing now.
Any one want to help me out please step forward. Im liking this site: link but dont like the photo taking so much room. Denise has a nice menu but i would want a home/galleries/about/contact me for navigation (galleries need to be drop down).
The old site is black background, going with white or black will work for me on the new one. Denise has her name on the left edge of the banner, that works for me. I dont mind losing the slideshow that i have on the legacy site.
I *need* help people!!!
Dunno guys. i am totally lost. *zero* coding skills here.

I have *zero* coding skills, none, nill, ziltch, nada. the reason why i liked Sm was that it was simple to use but i havent the slightest idea what im doing now.
Any one want to help me out please step forward. Im liking this site: link but dont like the photo taking so much room. Denise has a nice menu but i would want a home/galleries/about/contact me for navigation (galleries need to be drop down).
The old site is black background, going with white or black will work for me on the new one. Denise has her name on the left edge of the banner, that works for me. I dont mind losing the slideshow that i have on the legacy site.
I *need* help people!!!
Dunno guys. i am totally lost. *zero* coding skills here.
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
My site name (logo) is a logo content block using text instead of an image.
My menu is a menu content block.
Both of these are defined at an "entire site" level. And by defined I mean that I dragged the content elements onto the page then typed to fill in the entries as needed.
I chose to show single large photo on my homepage. You can show a block of photos or a slideshow or whatever you'd like.
My gallery and about entries on the navbar lead to pages.
You don't need to create a page to show your galleries - instead you can use the built-in /browse page.
Look at this page - - on the new site. There are quite a few entries in the smugmug tips section.
Have fun, and don't hesitate to ask for help if you get stuck.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
needing help for my menu/navbar.
I need a drop down navbar for galleries...
this is making me very frustrated. not having fun.
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
See the Create a Nested (drop down) menu bar section of the help page at
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
EDIT: Btw: do we still have the option for a 'recent' photos galleries? It was a hack to show photos yo posted in the past (x) time period?
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Thanks Denise - slow hacking away at it, taking time since im at work now and our (borrowed wifi) is iffy. Keep losing the signal. I have way too many galleries. Lots of links to transfer over.
I *greatly* appreciate your help
Without your help tonight I would have said the heck with it, shut er down!
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
Have you considered not putting every gallery in your menu? I see that's how your legacy site was set up but that doesn't mean you need to re-implement the same site. Maybe try entry into a top level set of folders from your menu as a starting point.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I wanted to keep away from folders as personally ive never really liked the look of folders, to me a menu was cleaner. but yeah I plan on removing galleries from the menu. I just need to sit back and decided what to remove.
My original site was meant just for my photos, but then after getting married and having a son it also became a 'family photos' site. I need to see what I want to do, which direction i prefer it to go. my has to go tho so yes i understand what you are saying
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
I had a lot of old galleries on my site before migrating. I've left the old travel galleries since I also write about my trips and I wanted the photos available, but I essentially unpublished other galleries older than a few years old (unless they contained what I considered to be special photos). I created a folder called "unpublished", set it to unlisted, and dragged the galleries I no longer wanted showing to the public to the "unpublished" folder. The folder is unlisted, and all of the galleries in the folder inherit that setting so they are unlisted too. The galleries still exist but they are not in the way and not visible to viewers.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Had a bunch more questions onhow to do stuff but found the answers. Adding the recent uploads was not the same as the faqs page shows, or how you have it i found. so that was a bit of a challenge.
now i need to find where i can alter the navigation parameters (eg width) as i cant seem to add too many words...also, spacing of the navbar, like to lowe it a bit
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
I also in the boat with some of the other frustrated people. I'm building a site from scratch rather than converting a legacy site. I've looked at half a dozen video tutorials but I'm now stuck. I originally sketched out how I want my site to function and then looked at dozens of sites to find something close. Here is the site that I'd like to model mine on:
Here is my start:
The part of the design I'm looking at resolving is the drop-down, fly-out menu. I've read the help page ( but I must be thick as I'm not getting it. In the Organize panel I've built the hierarchy I want and it seems to be working, at least for the Galleries. I've populated it with just a few galleries and will add many more when I get it working.
Also I can't seem to place the top banner all the way to the left. The positioning of the placement areas does not seem to allow it.
I'd be grateful for any advice you can provide.
Allowing comments is in the gallery settings. That hasn't changed.
Not sure about the "from xxx gallery" - are you asking about keywords or a collection? I think there are threads here that tell how to remove those.
Changing description of photo can be done in two places.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
now i need to find where i can alter the navigation parameters (eg width) as i cant seem to add too many words...also, spacing of the navbar, like to lower it a bit
i also seem to have an issue in preview where if i have more than one page of thumbanes, im getting 1 of X but also a arrow down button overlaid..odd..
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
OK gone public with new site and have a problem on galleries. WHen the gallery has more than one page of photos, I hvae a different issue in IE and FF, where it says 1 of X pages. I get a right arrow thingy, and a down arrow button. two different styles, one must go.
any help on that issue anyone?
to view this issue i suggest trying galleries/family/friends and family new (or the old)
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
I just took a look - your site looks good.
I thought you wanted your site name on one side and your menu on the other?
Your menu wraps to a second line - you might try increasing the width of that container.
Are you aware that since you removed the breadcrumb you have left no information on your page as to what is being viewed? See the first post of the thread Are you really sure you want to hide the breadcrumb? Think of your viewers! Also, clicking on the breadcrumb to see other galleries in the same folder is a good way to move around the site.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Yeah, breadcrumbs, never had them, didnt like how unclean the site would look with them :P
i dont have my galleries setup very good, so basically hiding the breadcrumbs hid that issue. it was easier than moving a *lot* of stuff around, or starting over
this pagination issue, doesnt come up on my ipad, but viewing on the pc using IE and/or FF i get the bug, albeit slightly differently in each browser
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
If you don't want to use the breadcrumb you should at least add something to the gallery description. Using the breadcrumb is actually easier since you don't need to remember to add a description.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at