How to migrate or add text to gallery
I have several galleries in Legacy smug which I used as travelogues, adding "comments" in a Journal-style gallery when I was traveling to document a trip. I've tried to cut and paste the text into New Smugmug in a text box of a particular gallery, but it's not pasting. Rather than rewriting all the text, is there a way to migrate these from Legacy to New? Any suggestions are welcome!
I don't know if a new comment box can be added to a gallery. If it can then you should be able to migrate the comments.
I just looked at your site and found this gallery -!i=2798042441&k=W73mVt9. I think you can replace the gallery with a page in the new smug - add a photo element for the picture and add a comments element. Transfer the comments from the existing gallery to the new page when prompted.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I was able to do both, so I just added a Comments box to the existing gallery. Worked beautifully, THANK YOU!