Wufoo question

Why does my wufoo form get cropped around the edges when I install it on my SM site?
The form is supposed to have more padding around the edges and a thin border...:dunno
Oh, making the container box wider does not fix the issue...
The form is supposed to have more padding around the edges and a thin border...:dunno
Oh, making the container box wider does not fix the issue...
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Oh, it's cropped. I have a double border set on the form on the Wufoo end and it does not show up on the SM end...
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Not in OLD SM...
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Gotcha... maybe I edited their code when I used it on OLD SM...
As for your code... I got it to work, but it pushes the form out of the container box. Will this cause any problems?
I had to add some blank divs on a stretchy page to get it centered...
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!