Problem with different sizes of thumbnails
I have:
2 rows with 10 thumbnails. The second row is taller than the first one. How do I set so that all the thumbnails in the gallery are the same size as the second row?
I have:
2 rows with 10 thumbnails. The second row is taller than the first one. How do I set so that all the thumbnails in the gallery are the same size as the second row?
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
So somewhere in the Javascript, "they screw up".
The Dogs of Vancouver, BC
The Dogs of Vancouver, BC
Nope... this is how the collage landscape style gallery works. This is not a Thumbnail view where all photos do always have the same size (too bad it is always a square size...).
The Collage gallery style intents to be "organic"... different on every view. I have a gallery with hundreds of photos, all with a aspect ratio of 3:2. With organic/collage landscape style every row (sometimes every 2nd or 3rd) has a different size.
If you want to show your photos with original aspect ratio and multiple photos per row you do not have any other choice. Thumbnail view always shows square thumbnails but does not respect manually crops (it always uses a centered crop, bad idea). Journal view always show one column. Collage Portrait is like Collage landscape, but at least all photos do have the same width. hight differes on aspect ratio (3:2 or 2:3). I'm unhappy with the length of each column (some ar much longer then others) but i don't use this style much.
There is currently no good gallery style that shows all photos in the same size and uncropped except the SmugMug view. That's why i use that as default. If Thumbnails would allow non-square thumbs i would use that more often.
P.S. You can't change the size of collage landscape thumbs, this only works on custom pages with a multiple photos content block. My "ACTIVITY" page has such a setup where i use collage landscape with larger thumbs and depending on the photos a max count of 2 or 3 photos next to each other. This does not work for galleries...
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
The frustrating part is that it's there, they already come at the right size, then something in the javascript "galleryView.render()" shrinks it, but that's beyond my programing...
The Dogs of Vancouver, BC
The Dogs of Vancouver, BC
OK, that seem to be similar to collage landscape... but as mentioned you cannot change the image size.
You also can not use any javascript anymore since SM2.0, so you also cannot use those hacks from the link above.
I think there was a feature request for select thumb size in collage galleries but i don't have a link handy right now...