Quickie - how does my footer display on your setup?
Recently I've been playing with background images, and with element transparency using CSS in homepage and folders only. When I look at my homepage and folders I see the background image behind the footer text, as I want it, but I've checked my site (http://beardedgit.smugmug.com/) on http://www.browserstack.com/screenshots and that is reporting that in some OS/browser combos the footer background shows as grey, almost as if the background image hasn't stretched all the way down.
The settings for the background image are size = original (1200x838), scale = fill, repeat = none, position = center center, scroll = fixed, so the image should reach the bottom regardless of monitor size/res. These settings were made in Edit Theme.
I'm confident that the footer area displays OK in XP/Firefox but I'd appreciate some feedback from folk using other browsers please, so that I can troubleshoot this issue.
The settings for the background image are size = original (1200x838), scale = fill, repeat = none, position = center center, scroll = fixed, so the image should reach the bottom regardless of monitor size/res. These settings were made in Edit Theme.
I'm confident that the footer area displays OK in XP/Firefox but I'd appreciate some feedback from folk using other browsers please, so that I can troubleshoot this issue.
Yippee ki-yay, footer-muckers!
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Andy, this is what it renders like for me, on Chrome on Mac:
beardedgit, the specific code used to make the background fill the page (background-size: cover) is not supported in IE8 and older, is that what you're testing? These browsers are basically ancient history now.
The other issue that you might run into is that RGBA() for transparent colours isn't supported in IE8 or older, though there is an easy workaround for this for background-colors.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
If I install Firefox 23 on Windows 7 (the version that BrowserShots shows with a grey background for the footer), I get:
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
If you want to test your site in many browsers, a good starting point is probably the downloadable VM version at http://www.modern.ie/en-US/virtualization-tools, which I suspect you can install Firefox etc into.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!