Have been logged out at least every other day now for the past week. I thought we had some momentum on this subject over the summer and things seemed to be working well. Then New Smugmug comes along and we have the same issue. Then it clears up for a few weeks and now it is back again.
SMUGMUG - There is a problem here. It would be nice for it to be acknowledged. It would be nice to see it listed in the "Smugmug Active Bug List". It would be nice to know someone is working on it. It is a PITA!
My latest theory is that it is related to the login/verfiy login process when going into account settings. Either the keep me logged in flag is beening ignored or reset somehow.
As I have stated before, there are issues with the account setting login/verify login page. Sometimes it works as I would expect it to. Sometimes all the fields are blank and only fill in after I type 2 letters of my user name.
Telling me to get some third party password manger is not the solution.
I've noticed having to sign in more than previously, despite having "remember me" checked. that's new. The only rhyme or reason to it is I will always be asked to sign in prior to accessing anything in Account Settings (which makes sense.) I can deal with it (certainly is reinforcement for remembering my password) but I haven't had it happen to me in the middle of an order. (That would be very frustrating.)
Still happening today. Trying to replace some photos with different crops and I keep getting logged out while the picture is uploading. Sign in screen comes up and delivers me to a blank page that I then have to navigate back to sales management. Upload another pic. Then get logged off again. Thanks a lot guys. Glad to see you are putting that extra money to good use.
This is ridiculous I get logged off while the photo is uploading and I then have to log back in and re upload the photo. Happens every other damn photo. A task that should take under a half an hour is dragging on way to long.
Now I just got logged out while simply trying to make a crop adjustment!!!
My Pictures : My Gear
I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own - Adam Savage
SMUGMUG - There is a problem here. It would be nice for it to be acknowledged. It would be nice to see it listed in the "Smugmug Active Bug List". It would be nice to know someone is working on it. It is a PITA!
My latest theory is that it is related to the login/verfiy login process when going into account settings. Either the keep me logged in flag is beening ignored or reset somehow.
As I have stated before, there are issues with the account setting login/verify login page. Sometimes it works as I would expect it to. Sometimes all the fields are blank and only fill in after I type 2 letters of my user name.
Telling me to get some third party password manger is not the solution.
Can you tell me where in the process of managing an order you were in? I am assuming you are referring to the proof delay?
Photo Blog
I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own - Adam Savage
This is ridiculous I get logged off while the photo is uploading and I then have to log back in and re upload the photo. Happens every other damn photo. A task that should take under a half an hour is dragging on way to long.
Now I just got logged out while simply trying to make a crop adjustment!!!
I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own - Adam Savage