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I have created an "About Me" link on my homepage, which links to a gallery with a photo and info about me. How do I get rid of the rectangle box with the "Gallery is Empty" icon inside? Thanks!!
If so, maybe the threads could be merged to reduce the clutter.
If not, then surely the solution is to make sure that the gallery does contain a photo with the correct properties.
It looks like you created a page for your 'About Me' link. The nav bar link isn't actually going to it, but I found it in your Site Organizer. it has a nice photo of you and some text. If that's the one you wanted to use, access your Customize > Customize Site link and set up the correct link.
Empty galleries will have the Gallery is empty notice. There's no need to have empty galleries on your site in new SmugMug, since we've added pages.
If you have trouble getting that set up, email us so we can work with you on a more personal level. Sharing links, etc.
Hope this helps!
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