Colors by new SM aren't right

I replicated a color from legacy, for the new default color (starting from scratch theme-wise), and the resulting color is not the correct one. In this snapshot on the left you see the yellow color it should be, the webpage I pulled the color from, then the code input, and the grey results.
I verified #FDFCC3 on the CS3 color picker site, it shows the pale yellow.
Is this a bug in the SM format?
EDIT: I should mention I tried other misc. colors and they all don't "take"; a different color is on the SM format.
I verified #FDFCC3 on the CS3 color picker site, it shows the pale yellow.
Is this a bug in the SM format?
EDIT: I should mention I tried other misc. colors and they all don't "take"; a different color is on the SM format.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
I'm sure you can hear this coming, but - what opacity slider? Please direct me to it.
Related: I thought I had begun to make a theme from scratch, but now I see copy of turbo at the top.
Isn't there a way to start from scratch and not involve any of the theme templates?
I ask because there is something about some of the color in the theme templates that is not modifiable.
On the same settings screen that you screenshotted, the "theme" settings -> background tab, there's a number of slider bars for "Alpha" like "header alpha", "left sidebar alpha", "body alpha", etc. If those are dragged down away from 100% it will start changing your colors to be slightly transparent.
I imagine you're doing something with the CSS or with those sliders to muck with the colors. All SmugMug is doing is taking the color you're picking and plopping that into the code. They're not doing anything fancy to change colors.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
I've never moved a slider. All of them are on the far right.
Not sure if you saw my next comment: Related: I thought I had begun to make a theme from scratch, but now I see copy of turbo at the top.
Isn't there a way to start from scratch and not involve any of the theme templates?
I ask because there is something about some of the color in the theme templates that is not modifiable.
In this theme that I'm modifying, I currently have no CSS for the site.
I'm confused which colors your talking about? The background color? The "primary" color? I just did some tests and everything works fine ... except for the "Primary color". If I tell smugmug to use your #FDFCC3 color it shows up as below:
See how the colors match between SmugMug and the HTML Color Picker?
However, if I set that color as the "Primary" color, it shows up on the page as basically white. If I were you I'd avoid using that color picker. I think because the page loads on top of that "Primary" color there's some built in transparency working that's futzing with it. Setting body, footer, header, etc color to be the one you wanted worked perfectly. Or we can use CSS to do it.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
If you really can change the color with CSS, I would love to know the code. In multiple other threads users reported being able to manipulate lots of color but not this one.
I also was confused because I hoped to start with an empty template but I think one cannot do that. You must choose an existing template and then "start a theme from scratch". Yet, this is one color area is only narrowly modifiable. For example there are no yellows available.
I submitted this as a bug.It affects the drop-down menu background color (which no one has been able to help me change), and it's the color for the background of the thumbs where the image doesn't fill the entire area (red arrow). There are probably other site areas that will crop up as I go along.
I don't think the system should allow you to input a color code where the right value returns the wrong color. It also extremely limits customization one can do to a site. I would think if they're going to offer you the full color palette, they should offer the full color palette.
It's not that the right value returns the wrong code -- they're doing everything right, it's just that features of the website cover up that color and turn it into another color. What happens when you combine 2 colors -- you get a different one, that's what's happening here.
Colors are VERY easy to modify in CSS. All you need to do is ask (I have yet to see you ask? Or perhaps I just missed the posts? I try to check out any of your posts when I see them!). :ivar
Just make sure to be specific about which sections you want to change the color to. Include screenshots ... or better yet, unveil already so I can just go to your site and give you the code
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
There needs to be an emoticon for doe eyes dropping a tear. Thank you.
I'll settle for smiles as you pull me along despite myself. :ginger
I might submit a bug report - 2 actually. One I've had in mind for some time but now a 2nd one. One is that it's a bug that jfriend doesn't have access to JS so he can make JS blocks for us, and two is that you're not on SM payroll.
At the moment the grey that is in the snapshot, I would like to make it a different color. This is on any thumbnail where the image doesn't fill the areas. I think only folders are affected.
The 2nd affected color is the dropdown menu hover. I have added CSS now (pulled from another theme), which has, on the sub-link hover:
- transparency
- a fade-in color effect, except the fade-in starts with the Pesky Grey before reaching the yellow.
I have a different theme background presently, and I can't figure out how to snapshot the problem from home, but there's a picture of the problem on this thread, for a different theme, see my message 16:
In this thread I first mention the issue with the Pesky Grey.
EDIT: actually it's message #15 that shows the hover-grey-to-yellow problem.
For what it's worth, I've been using this code to modify the navbar submenu (dropdown):
Also, use this code to fix the color of the box around those small thumbnails: Change the color white (#FFFFF) to the color of your choosing.
Also, don't you think you're ready to unveil by now? It'd make it a lot easier to help ya out ... and you've gotta have mucked with your site so much by now it's perfect
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Work has me around my neck at the moment so this will be slowing down a bit. But regarding the unveil, no can do. I have too much broken HTML - esp, I have iframes of other sites - trying to figure out that one - but other broken html. Many pages look totally cruddy in new SM at the moment.
For what it's worth here is the total code I have in entire site:
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
The fade effect is somewhat too fast however, even though I changed the value to 1.0. And yes, this can wait.
Thank youuuuu!
I describe how to control sub-menu text (and colors) on my site:
but the code is:
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Could I trouble you though, how to change the main navbar links, font size? (not sub-menu). The XL option in SM is too large, but now the font size is the same between the main links and the sublinks. I would like to tweak the main navbar font a bit bigger but not so much as the XL does in the template.
Use the code:
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Thank you Aaron. The code set at 64 px did not change anything. I think I must have conflicting code? At the moment will set this aside and pursue frying bigger fish. I will come back to it after I unveil.