header not connecting to galleries/folders

steperenkosteperenko Registered Users Posts: 89 Big grins
edited October 18, 2013 in SmugMug Customization
Hello fellow smuggers,
I am customizing my new site and find it difficult to link my galleries/folders to my header. FOr example I want a gallery to connect to Collections- Seniors to my folder of Senior Portfolio. I am not having any luck. I went to links, chose the location - Portfolio (general) and it takes me to my neat grid of folders. Same for client galleries.


  • steperenkosteperenko Registered Users Posts: 89 Big grins
    edited October 17, 2013
    header not connecting to galleries/folders
    I am sorry if you have read this before, I posted about amonth ago for help and didn't get a response. I have contacted the smugmug and don't have a response from them yet either. HELP I am stuck and cannot figure it out.
    So when I go to my header and click on Collections - Seniors- It doesn't take me to my multiple photo portfolio but to a folder instead. I must have reorganized something. How do I get out of this mess and finally publish my website. It is driving me crazy. SOmebody have mercy!!!
    I attached a screen shots:
    #1 the place where it takes me when I click collections-seniors 2smugmugscreenshot.jpg

    Why can I only have on attachment? :(
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited October 17, 2013
    Did you try browsing to the link when setting the button?
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited October 17, 2013
    It's hard to tell what is showing on your screen. Is that a folder containing a single gallery? In legacy there was a javascript hack that automatically opened the gallery. You can't use javascript in new smug so you'll need to link directly to the gallery, not the folder.

    --- Denise
  • steperenkosteperenko Registered Users Posts: 89 Big grins
    edited October 17, 2013
    If I have a menu containing "collections" and then a dropdown :seniors, weddings etc. it needs to connect to a folder named portfolio and then to separate galleries for each drop down menu, how do I do that without java? It only lets me pick; "page I chose" and if I pick folder "portfolio" it takes me to the folder containing the galleries.,not each individual gallery within a folder. How do I pick multiple galleries and how would a header "know" when to pick an appropirate galery for the header Senior - to senior gallery, family to family gallery etc. Do I make any sense at all?
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited October 17, 2013
    steperenko wrote: »
    If I have a menu containing "collections" and then a dropdown :seniors, weddings etc. it needs to connect to a folder named portfolio and then to separate galleries for each drop down menu, how do I do that without java? It only lets me pick; "page I chose" and if I pick folder "portfolio" it takes me to the folder containing the galleries.,not each individual gallery within a folder. How do I pick multiple galleries and how would a header "know" when to pick an appropirate galery for the header Senior - to senior gallery, family to family gallery etc. Do I make any sense at all?
    Are you using a menu element? If you are creating entries in a menu you need to provide the URLs to the folders and galleries.

    See the Create a Navigation Bar section of this help page - http://help.smugmug.com/customer/portal/articles/1222523-customization-navigation-menu.

    --- Denise
  • ChancyRatChancyRat Registered Users Posts: 2,141 Major grins
    edited October 17, 2013
    steperenko wrote: »
    If I have a menu containing "collections" and then a dropdown :seniors, weddings etc. it needs to connect to a folder named portfolio and then to separate galleries for each drop down menu, how do I do that without java? It only lets me pick; "page I chose" and if I pick folder "portfolio" it takes me to the folder containing the galleries.,not each individual gallery within a folder. How do I pick multiple galleries and how would a header "know" when to pick an appropriate gallery for the header Senior - to senior gallery, family to family gallery etc. Do I make any sense at all?

    I think Denise got it when she asked if you have placed a navigation menu block. Decide which part of your site the navbar goes into. For example I have a left navbar on the homepage, but then a top navbar for entire site (which excludes homepage - can't remember which thing I clicked to make this be the case.)

    Once you drop the navbar into place (top or left vertical column), then you need to to set up the links. Click the little wrench on the top colored bar of the block. That's settings. You can tweak some things. Then one of the tabs is Links. Make new links. It can be easier to make a bunch of new links just to have them in place, then begin to modify each to set the URL.

    I just constructed one of these myself so I kind of know the tediousness of it. A couple of notes:

    - If one of your folders (legacy was called categories) has only galleries (pages), then you can turn on "display folder contents". This will then populate automatically the names of all your galleries in the drop down menu.
    - If one of your folders has both folders and galleries, this is more complicated. I had to turn OFF "display folder contents" for the main folder links, and then:

    a. Make a new link for each subfolder (turn ON display folder galleries), drag the link and park it as a subfolder under the main folder (move it with the mouse to under the main folder and a little to the right, which will place it with indentation visible).
    b. For the individual galleries in the main folder, I then had to make a link for each of them. (display folder contents will not be an option as it's not relevant)
    c. For all these subfolder and galleries, I made decisions about the lineup, e.g., alphabetical, and set them in place.

    If you want to tweak how the menu looks, CSS can do a great job and the wizards on this forum can work magic.
  • steperenkosteperenko Registered Users Posts: 89 Big grins
    edited October 17, 2013
    Thank you for your responses, I really appreciate it. I will get busy and see if I can put your wisdom to practice. I will keep you posted. :)
  • steperenkosteperenko Registered Users Posts: 89 Big grins
    edited October 18, 2013
    Ahhhhhhh, thank you very much for taking the time to explain folders (categories) and galleries. I knew my confusion had to be in categorizing things. I realized my folders did have subcategory and gallery in it. Added new links and YESSSSSSSS working now. Not much else is done, but I am so happy this finally got resolved I was loosing my mind. THANK YOU!!!!
  • ChancyRatChancyRat Registered Users Posts: 2,141 Major grins
    edited October 18, 2013
    Glad it's working, I know the loosing-one's-mind feeling intimately.
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